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Current R2 Courses Now Available

Want more information? Read on…

Past-Life Integration


Join Adam Apollo for a deep dive into Past-Life Integration & The Art of Time Travel, learning skills and techniques for recovering memory across physical, emotional, and mental experiences, while navigating karmas, healing traumas, and bringing forth skills from your past incarnations. This short course will provide you with a comprehensive foundation for working with your Soul Stream at a practical level in daily life, enabling you to gain abilities and remove obstacles in order to fulfill your current Life Destiny.

SKU: key-r2-past-life-integration Categories: ,


Last Chance!

The first LIVE public session is Friday July 14th. You can still register for the course until July 25th when registration closes. The first private student session occurs on July 28th.

Adam Apollo began having spontaneous recall experiences in 1996, and developed a transpersonal psychological process to study his own memories and those of others over a decade between 2000 and 2010. He has supported hundreds of people in unlocking and accessing clear and definitive past-life recall, and developed healing and integration techniques to support many of them in this profound self-development work.

Adam Apollo currently has rich and comprehensive memory of 19 lifetimes on Earth, along with six lifetimes on planets in other solar systems. He has regained skills from many of these lifetimes, including Mastery in a variety of Swordforms, Martial Arts, Cooking Techniques, Manifestation Methods, Chess, Poetry, Musical Talents, Vocal Talents, Calligraphy, Leadership Approaches, Advanced Physics, Engineering, Trans-Planetary Cultural Knowledge, Healing Techniques, Astral Travel, Sacred Geometry, Magick, and much much more.


Completing this Course unlocks the Mastery Ring Two Starwalker-Warrior Badge



This course includes:

  • How to access past-life memories
  • How to assess what are actual memories versus archetypal memories
  • Address past-life karma and trauma patterns Integrate skills from past-lives and time-travel to important events
  • Shape identity and purpose through understanding our trajectory through lives

A Series of LIVE Sessions with Additional Reading & Materials

The LIVE Introductory session on July 14th will kick off a series of course sessions every Friday.

Recordings will be made available on the Course pages, along with additional written materials.

Special Bonus!

You will also receive the introductory chapter of Adam Apollo’s forthcoming new book: The Dragon Key – exploring lifetimes of memory across history and the Galaxy.

Session Dates:

July 14th: LIVE Introduction
July 28st: The Key of Identity
August 4th: Mastering Memory
August 11th: Healing & Integration

Save the dates!

Earns the Starwalker Warrior Badge



BioKhemia: Alchemy for the Human Avatar


BioKhemia is an extensive guide to foundational alchemy from the Jewish occult comprehension and collaborates Traditional Chinese Medicine & Cultivation practices. It’s an old form of alchemical application with a modern twist; comparing leading sciences such as physics, epigenetics, and other medical research to unwrap the deeper knowledge that comes from alchemical texts.

SKU: key-r2-biokhemia-healer-core Categories: , Tags: , , , , , ,


This Course Includes:

  • Foundational Alchemy
  • Historical & Cultural Context of Alchemical Info
  • Chinese Medical Herbalism
  • Jewish Cultivation Traditions & Practices
  • Physics Theories and Epigenetics of Alchemical Phases
  • Biologic application of Alchemical Phases & Philosophy

About the Author:

Alexandria (Ashtroeth) Russell is a practicing Alchemist, Herbalist and Jewish Non-Orthodox כֹּהֵן‎, Kōhēnet, with seven years of experience in her crafts. She has studied biochemistry, applied chemistry, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Western Herbalism, Acupuncture, Anthropology and Sociology. Combined with her personal and ancestral experiences, she has conducted experiments and reconstructed ancient practices for practical modern application. This extensive course details the foundational pillars of alchemy, as well as extrasensory practices, and will broaden your comprehension of Jewish occult practices that have been passed down.

As the Core Healer course for Ring Two, this is the prerequisite course for the upcoming Ring Two Healer courses.


Dance Djedi – Adrian Lobo


Welcome to the Dance Djedi!

In this special course you will learn the secrets of Djedi movement in martial arts and elemental dance styles!

SKU: key-r2-warrior-weaver Categories: , ,



Watch this:

Adrian “Lobo” Miramontes is an internationally recognized performance artist and street dance champion who utilizes the movement arts to inspire mastery of body & self. He is known for his specialty in the various street dance styles of Pop & Lock (aka Popping) and Internal Martial Arts.  Yoga & Qigong certified Instructor, Daoist Disciple of the Zheng Yi lineage, and Reiki Master;

Lobo has won 1st place in over 20 street dance competitions (most recently the USA winner of Waves Within online tournament), toured and performed with many music festival headliners (most notably Clozee, Deya Dova, and David Starfire), and is a pioneer in sacred street dance culture. He is the creator of an online dance school called The Dance Djedi Academy which takes a spiritual approach to the street dance arts fused with eastern mysticism.

His mission is to inspire humanity through his craft to become masters of our body, energy, and consciousness in order to awaken our greatest potential.

Adrian Lobo - Forest Ninja

Enter the path of the Dance Djedi

This is a dance path that approaches street dance as a spiritual practice for self mastery and transformation. It is a system that blends urban street dance with eastern mysticism and ancient wisdom. The Dance Djedi is all about becoming a mover of the life force energy through dance, specifically through the street dance styles of Pop’lock which are known for their mind-blowing illusions & jaw-dropping effects. This path draws from ancient energetic artforms such as Daoist Internal martial arts and Energy Medicine to help the dancer truly move the life force through their body & movement.

This course will give you the foundations to help you get started onto your path of dance mastery. You will receive authentic street dance teachings on:

  • how to improve your technical dance prowess
  • how to increase body control and mind-body coordination
  • concepts to inspire creativity & innovation in motion
  • methods to enter into deeper flow states with your dance

At the same time you will also learn holistic wisdom to help you learn how to move the life force energy through Qigong and Taichi, meditations to help you align with a higher power, and how ancient principles can be applied to movement to help you tap into your greatest dance expression.

This course is divided into 3 modules that will initiate you into the Dance Djedi world. Each module contains training videos on guided drills & exercises, choreography training to install new movement vocabulary, and freestyle exercises to improve your flow state with dance. Each module also contains a homework section that will teach you how to actually train the material so you can embody it to the best of your ability along with Dance challenges to truly test yourself to see how well you learned the material.

Adrian Lobo - Dance Djedi

At the end of each module you will be given Djedi Theory videos which are lecture style presentations on the lore of the Dance Djedi,  our movement philosophy, history of street dance culture, and many bonus exercises.

With all that being said, you are invited to take your first steps onto the Path of the Dance Djedi and activate the wonders of dance mastery into your life. Prepare yourself to tap into your life force energy, awaken your greatest dance potential, and transform into your next level embodiment!

Limited Earlybird Discount

Right now, save $28 on the Dance Djedi course through the launch on September 25th!

Don’t miss this epic opportunity to dive in and join the new wave of Guardian Alliance courses, starting with movement skills that will change your life.

LIVE Session on September 25th!

Join Adrian Lobo, Adam Apollo, and Alexandria Ashtroeth at 12pm PT for a LIVE introduction to the Dance Djedi course and the reopening of the Guardian Alliance PULSE Round Table sessions!

Join the LIVE Session Now



Starwalker’s Synthesis – AA


Enter into the realm of the Starwalker, and explore starship technologies, discover the ancient history of extraterrestrial contact and connection on Earth, learn more about different galactic species, and develop techniques for personal contact and communication with Star Nations. This is a Mastery Ring Two Core Capacities course.

SKU: key-r2-starwalker-core Categories: ,



This Series Includes:

Session Focus Points:

  • LIVE Course Launch 1/31/2018
    • Transpersonal psychology, telepathy, and practical investigation into ET phenomena.
  • Where are we going?
    • An invitation to inspiration and exploration of the future of our human species.
  • Starship Technology
    • A deep dive into the technology and physics of starships and how we can build them.
  • Ancient Starseeds
    • Exploring ET contact in ancient cultures and the potential roots of human genetics across racial lines.
  • Galactic Species
    • Learn about different galactic species and the characteristics of their home worlds and cultures.
  • Galactic History
    • Discover events in Galactic History that have deeply influenced interspecies relationships and Earth.
  • LIVE Galactic Earth 2/11/2018
    • How do we make contact, and help our civilization become a Galactic culture?
  • Special Bonus Workshop Material

Over 10+ Hours Of Material:

  • What is ET contact, and how do we achieve it?
  • How do we sort true information from disinformation?
  • What are the next steps in becoming a Galactic civilization?
  • How real are starships, and can we build one?
  • Is superluminal (faster than light) travel possible?
  • What ancient cultures recorded a connection with ETs?
  • Who are the species that visit Earth, and do some of them look like us?
  • What is the ET agenda?
  • Why are ETs interested in Earth and humans?
  • Who are the reptilians, and why is there so much fear around them?
  • Who are the “Greys,” and why are they studying humans?
  • What do Dragons have to do with all this?
  • How do we make contact at a mass scale?
  • What can we do to help humanity prepare for our transition to becoming an Interstellar species?
  • How did Adam Apollo learn all this information, where did it come from, and what is his personal story around all of this?
  • What is the Galactic Family?
  • How do I find out my own personal connections with Star Nations?
  • What kind of practices can I do to enhance my telepathy and contact experiences?
  • How do I cultivate awareness similar to that of different Star Families?
  • and much much more!

Get Lifetime Access:

Includes all online materials, two LIVE online video sessions (for first round students only!), four immersive video presentations, Q&A, Starwalker’s Stargate Arena access, and unlimited ability to review the course materials at any time.

Take At Your Own Pace:

Join now and get complete lifetime access, but take the course at your own pace. The Course Launch session and Galactic Earth session will be LIVE, and recorded for you to view at your leisure.

Plus Get These Bonuses:

Lifetime access to the Starwalker Ascending course in Mastery Ring One!

Over 3+ Hours of Special Bonus material and additional sessions to go deeper and further into the insights presented.

Early access to the new Galactic Family Network site to view what’s coming and learn how you can participate in the network!

Earn the Starwalker’s Synthesis Badge in Mastery Ring Two:



Wizard’s Wyrd – Adam Apollo


Dive into the sacred heart of Magic itself in this five-part course exploring Core Capacities of Wizardry. Learn to effectively create boundaries and cast a circle, utilize the power and physics of Sacred Geometry, call upon Elementals to work Alchemy, access the Astral Realm, and practically apply magical techniques in everyday life.


SKU: key-r2-wizard-core Category:


This Series Includes:

Session Focus Points:

  • Forging Your Event Horizon
    • Creating boundaries & wards, clearing fields & establishing sovereignty.
  • Wielding the Ray of Creation
    • Working with sacred geometry to activate specific magical constructs.
  • Elucidating Elementals
    • Connecting with elementals and exploring balance and alchemy.
  • Astral Adventures
    • Accessing the astral realm and working with astral architecture.
  • Sanctum Practicum
    • Practical magical applications for sanctifying our daily lives.

Five 3+ Hour Sessions Covering:

  • Clearing old attachments in relationships
  • Setting and keeping healthy boundaries
  • Protecting yourself from collective spells
  • Establishing sacred spaces and sanctuaries
  • Applying sacred geometry for manifestation, money, and miracles
  • Developing sigils for a variety of purposes
  • Working with alchemy for creativity, better sex, health, and much more
  • Achieving balance and equilibrium within
  • Gaining the higher perspective on challenging situations
  • Entering the Astral Realm and bi-locating
  • Creating through Astral Architecture
  • Working with Faeries, Spirits, and other beings on the Astral Plane
  • Manifesting your dream house
  • Creating ways to receive more abundance
  • Clearing and cleaning your home
  • Using magical tools and charging objects
  • and much much more!

Get the Complete Series Package:

Includes all online materials, six online video sessions, Q&A, Wizard’s Tower Arena access, and lifetime access!

Complete Series Package Bonuses:

Lifetime access to the Wizard Awakening course in Mastery Ring One, and lifetime access to the full Wizard Wyrd course in Mastery Ring Two!



Additional information

Choose Level of Access

Complete Series Package, Part 1: Forging Your Event Horizon, Part 2: Wielding the Ray of Creation, Part 3: Elucidating Elementals, Part 4: Astral Adventures, Part 5: Sanctum Practicum


Ecstatic Awakening


Ecstatic Awakening Meditation is a meditation and breathwork practice that activates kundalini energy. Kundalini activation increases our intelligence, creativity, and receptivity. It heals past trauma and supports a healthy state of being. It helps us move beyond our cravings and personal desires to tap into our greatest capabilities. It integrates the lower self (our creature aspect) with the higher self (our spiritual aspect), greatly enhancing our personal power and ability. With this practice, we become able to perform miracles by activating our etheric energy body.

These practices will set your life on fire. If you choose to stand in the fire, you will experience remarkable changes within and around you, based on your commitment and energetic investment.

NOTE: If you have experienced seizures, heart attacks, or mental illness, please consult your physician before taking this program. Avoid using cannabis or other entheogens during your practice as it can greatly increase the effects.

SKU: key-r2-weaver-wizard Categories: ,


This Course Includes:

Focus Points in each Lesson:

  • Kundalini activating immersive audio meditations featuring Entheo
  • Grounding Practices to stabilize your energy at higher levels
  • Energy correspondence studies for each Chakra and energy body layer
  • Additional meditations including breathwork and movement practices
  • Chakra healing techniques
  • Detailed explanations of energy awakening processes and challenges

Experience a full series of 10 powerful audio sessions:

  • Sensual Awakening Experience
  • Building the Hearth
  • Surrender to Love
  • Fire Breath Orgasm
  • The Power of Invocation
  • Aura Cleansing
  • and more…

Visual Preview of Ecstatic Awakening Meditation

Ecstatic Awakening Meditation Entry Preview

Watch this Free Interview with Kriyanna to find out more:

Watch LIVE Intro



Soul Mechanics – Chakras


Your Energy Body Needs Repairs. Are you ready to do your tune up?

Soul Mechanics is an advanced course diving deep into the reality of the chakras and how their health is creating your life experience. This is a highly practical course for individuals ready to take immediate action to heal their wounded energy centers through practical steps and clear intentions. 

By now you probably know about the chakras – but this course will make the process of diagnosing and healing your energy body crystal clear – giving you a method to diagnose your blocked or weakened chakras – and know what to do about it. 

SKU: key-r2-wizard-healer Categories: ,


This Course Includes:

Focus Points

  • Locate the 7 Chakras in your body
  • Understand the basic functions, energies, and purpose of each chakra
  • Be able to diagnose whether each chakra is blocked, healthy, or blown open
  • Anchor in the fundamental attitudes of healthy power in each of your 7 chakras
  • Understand how to identify how your energy body may be functioning as it relates to different everyday activities
  • Understand the practical steps you need to take to strengthen or repair any one of your chakras
  • Understand how to use meditation to heal parts of the energy body

This Course Covers…

  • The essential knowledge pertaining to each chakra and a map to understanding your life experience
  • How to use the little behaviors you and your friends have to understand WHICH chakra they are operating out of
  • Ways to gain deep insights into the value systems the govern each chakra – as you consciously choose which chakras you want to develop and bring forth in your life
  • How to diagnose each chakra in your life as blocked, healthy, or completely blown open ( that needs to be turned down)
  • Clear action steps to take to develop the health of each chakra that you can put to use immediately
  • Powerful audio meditations that will enhance the energy of each chakra and fast track your healing process.

Visual Previews

Preview of the Soul Mechanics Course Entry Preview of the Root Chakra Healing Meditation Preview of the Crown Chakra Diagnostics
Read More about this Course

Repair starts at the level of personal beliefs – and each chakra, when healthy, has a set of positive beliefs that go with it. If you don’t believe in your ability to work hard and achieve your goals – your Root Chakra needs repairs. If you don’t believe that your are meant to experience joy in life, we need to get to work on your Sacral Chakra.

This course will give you the knowledge you need to fully see where your energy body needs repairs, by giving insights into how people act when each chakra is open or closed. Do you have a hard time setting firm boundaries with others? You likely have not yet healed your Root Chakra. Are you constantly overthinking and overplanning? It’s likely that your Solar Plexus Chakra is blown open and you need to do some work.

This course will not only help you diagnose the blocks in your energy body – but gives you immediate action steps you can take to heal and unlock these parts of your life – giving you the full power available to you. Look forward to being given assignments that challenge your comfort zones and open you up to the energy you have been avoiding, as you do the work on repairing those areas of your life.

All Guardians will also receive 7 guided meditations, one for healing each chakra. These powerful transmissions will give you the space to become aware of each level of your energy body and initiate the healing in that area.

This course will have exponential ripples on the people you know. If you complete the course, you will be able to more accurately see others, and what is going on with them by understanding how their lives reflect the health of their energy body. It will enable you to lovingly recommend healing steps that they will be able to take to feel more empowered and whole.

Join Alex Fairman and Adam Apollo on a journey of healing and empowerment as you strengthen the love of your inner healer and the knowledge of your inner wizard. Over 6 Hours of HD Video Making it one of the biggest Guardian Alliance courses to date, packed full of powerful insights and action steps you can take now to start firing on all cylinders.


EFT Level 1 – Sonya Sophia


This 3.5 hour online course helps you understand the science behind how Tapping works in your body.  It’s a bite-sized, interactive course, which includes healthy doses of Tapping time with Sonya Sophia (with 28 years experience in the Healing Arts & 11 year’s experience teaching EFT).

SKU: key-r2-healer-ambassador Categories: ,


This Course Includes:

Focus Points

  • Learn to manage intense emotions using EFT
  • Find the Tapping Points & learn about Energy Meridians
  • Jump start yourself with short Mini Taps
  • Release fear – get physical energy back
  • Practice LOVING & accepting yourself

Experience how EFT helps you to…

  • Learn to manage intense emotions using EFT
  • Heal physically & emotionally
  • Improve relationships by clearing ‘triggers’ & the past
  • Accomplish your Purpose by releasing fears
  • Increase finances by releasing ‘self-sabotage’
  • Cultivate inner peace you can FEEL

Visual Preview

Preview of the EFT Course Entry



Spiritual Awakening Summit


In this epic online course, 19 featured speakers share insights on every aspect of Spiritual Awakening. From the challenges inherent in “waking up,” to the need for physical dance and movement, to integration with sexuality, working with teachers, finding your dharma and much much more, this series will open your heart and your mind.

This is the first course in Mastery Ring Two. It is a Level 2 Ambassador primary course showcasing a variety of communication styles and approaches to awakening, while integrating with the Starwalker secondary archetype of spiritual development and intuitive insight.

SKU: key-r2-ambassador-starwalker Categories: ,


This Course Includes:

Focus Points

  • Keys to thriving in your life
  • Ways to attract your soul tribe
  • Daoist sexual practices
  • Working with spiritual teachers
  • Finding your path of service
  • Remembering who you are
  • Awakening your potential
  • 19 amazing teachers
  • ~20 hours of audio material
  • Instant access to ALL sessions

Downloadable Audio

This course contains almost 20 hours of audio sessions which are downloadable. You can listen each audio session from the Guardian Alliance site or your personal devices, and return to your lessons to move forward at any time.

You asked for it during Mastery Ring One, and we’re happy to provide it in this first Mastery Ring Two course!


Visual Preview

Course Entry Preview
AGS3.don_Miguel_Ruiz_JrDon Miguel Ruiz Jr.
AGS13-Patricia_AlberePatricia Albere
AGS14-Dada_NabhaniilanandaDada Nabhaniilananda
AGS11-Lee_HoldenLee Holden
AGS12-AlayaLoveAlaya Love
AGS5-Craig_HamiltonCraig Hamilton
AGS8-Sally_KemptonSally Kempton
AGS10-Ryland_EngelhartRyland Engelhart
AGS9-Nischala_JoyNischala Joy
AGS7-Willow_BrownWillow Brown
AGS2.Gina-SalaGina Sala
AGS4-JuliaStegeJulia Stege
AGS17-Rose-ColeRose Cole
AGS16-Lania_DesmondLania Desmond
AGS19-Rev_DeborahRev. Deborah