How can I access the free course?
Get the “Initiation: Finding Your Path” Access Key from the Gatehouse. You’ll then be able to access the free course from the Courses page or directly from it’s submenu.
I just bought Ring One Access Keys! Where do I go now?
You can now access specific areas of the site depending on which keys you bought. If you bought the Master Key, you can access any area on the Gates page, and you will also see all the Guilds in the Gates submenu.
How can I tell which Access Keys I have? Did my purchase work?
You can click on My Account in the top right of any page to see what Access Keys you currently have, see your purchases, and more.
What is the Trailmap?
On the Trailmap page you can see any Badges you have earned, and also see some of the Badges ahead on the Guardian path…
What kind of Payments do you accept?
We accept debit, credit cards, or PayPal.
Contact our Support Team
Please fully review the FAQ before contacting Support.
Personal Assistance & Counseling
The Guardian Alliance has selected a variety of practitioners available for personal support and counseling services to students who are having difficulty with the transformations and rapid life changes that often accompany advanced self-mastery courses. Simply becoming aware of your human bioenergetic field can strongly affect your sensitivity and greatly enhance your empathy and receptivity to thought-forms.
Please also take the time to fill out our Systems Support Ticket:
If you are having technical difficulties, please fill out this support ticket to help us understand the details of your issue!
We are currently undergoing an extensive website and user interface improvement and development; please be patient with us during this growth period! We have many fun and exciting things just around the corner!