
Ecstatic Awakening


Ecstatic Awakening Meditation is a meditation and breathwork practice that activates kundalini energy. Kundalini activation increases our intelligence, creativity, and receptivity. It heals past trauma and supports a healthy state of being. It helps us move beyond our cravings and personal desires to tap into our greatest capabilities. It integrates the lower self (our creature aspect) with the higher self (our spiritual aspect), greatly enhancing our personal power and ability. With this practice, we become able to perform miracles by activating our etheric energy body.

These practices will set your life on fire. If you choose to stand in the fire, you will experience remarkable changes within and around you, based on your commitment and energetic investment.

NOTE: If you have experienced seizures, heart attacks, or mental illness, please consult your physician before taking this program. Avoid using cannabis or other entheogens during your practice as it can greatly increase the effects.

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This Course Includes:

Focus Points in each Lesson:

  • Kundalini activating immersive audio meditations featuring Entheo
  • Grounding Practices to stabilize your energy at higher levels
  • Energy correspondence studies for each Chakra and energy body layer
  • Additional meditations including breathwork and movement practices
  • Chakra healing techniques
  • Detailed explanations of energy awakening processes and challenges

Experience a full series of 10 powerful audio sessions:

  • Sensual Awakening Experience
  • Building the Hearth
  • Surrender to Love
  • Fire Breath Orgasm
  • The Power of Invocation
  • Aura Cleansing
  • and more…

Visual Preview of Ecstatic Awakening Meditation

Ecstatic Awakening Meditation Entry Preview

Watch this Free Interview with Kriyanna to find out more:

Watch LIVE Intro