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The Trailmap shows the potential Badges and Skill Seals you can earn in the Guardian Alliance Academy. When you have earned a Badge, it will light up and remain activated. Clicking on any Badge will show you it’s details and display those who have earned it.
What kind of courses are coming up in the Academy?
Check out the Curriculum Map.

Start Here: Initiation Course


0 Points

Guardian Alliance Initiation Badge

2 Required Steps

  • Complete Initiation: Finding Your Path

Mastery Ring One

Join Course Series

Ambassador Connecting

0 Points

The Ring One Ambassador Skill Seal is earned through completion of a Guardian Alliance course which includes:

  • The true magic of the spoken word.
  • Insights into conflict resolution, mediation, and leadership.
  • The power of sharing your personal message and truth.
  • Techniques for enhancing your communication abilities.

More details on this course may be added at any time. Completing this course is a prerequisite for taking Ambassador courses in Ring Two.

1 Required Steps

  • Complete Ambassador Connecting

Starwalker Ascending

0 Points

The Ring One Starwalker Skill Seal is earned through completion of a Guardian Alliance course which includes:

  • How to unlock your third-eye and psychic abilities.
  • Practices and techniques to mastering higher sensory perception.
  • The secrets of lucid dreaming and remote viewing.
  • Tools for creating wards and portals.

More details on this course may be added at any time. Completing this course is a prerequisite for taking Starwalker courses in Ring Two.

1 Required Steps

  • Complete Starwalker Ascending

Warrior Activating

0 Points

The Ring One Warrior Skill Seal is earned through completion of a Guardian Alliance course which includes:

  • The secret behind all Martial Arts.
  • A foundational exploration of Physical Mastery, and practical achievement.
  • Techniques used by leading professional athletes and olympians.
  • Ways to overcome physical and mental hurdles.

More details on this course may be added at any time. Completing this course is a prerequisite for taking Warrior courses in Ring Two.


1 Required Steps

  • Complete Warrior Activating

Healer Opening

0 Points

The Ring One Healer Skill Seal is earned through completion of a Guardian Alliance course which includes:

  • The heart and art of healing.
  • The keys to accessing coherence in every relationship or interaction.
  • Techniques for awakening powerful healing abilities.
  • Tools and practices of the healer.

More details on this course may be added at any time. Completing this course is a prerequisite for taking Healer courses in Ring Two.

1 Required Steps

  • Complete Healer Opening

Wizard Awakening

0 Points

The Ring One Wizard Skill Seal is earned through completion of a Guardian Alliance course which includes:

  • The power of the mind in creating reality.
  • Secret formulas to create mental containers.
  • Strategies for changing your patterns and your life.
  • The fundamentals of real Magic.

More details on this course may be added at any time. Completing this course is a prerequisite for taking Wizard courses in Ring Two.

1 Required Steps

  • Complete: Wizard Awakening

Weaver Unfolding

0 Points

The Ring One Weaver Skill Seal is earned through completion of a Guardian Alliance course which includes:

  • The keys to both alchemy and balance.
  • Cultivating internal energy and vitality.
  • Insights to enhance your sex life and intimacy.
  • Secrets to engaging in relationships through understanding sexual orientation.

More details on this course may be added at any time. Completing this course is a prerequisite for taking Weaver courses in Ring Two.

1 Required Steps

  • Complete Weaver Unfolding

Yin Trine

First Seed

First Seed

0 Points

Earning this Yin Trine Mastery Badge signifies you have reached the level of "First Seed" in the Guardian Alliance.

The Yin Trine (three circles) or First Seed indicates skill development in areas of emotional awareness, healing arts, intuition and meditation, and signifies completion of the following Guardian Alliance courses in Ring One:

  • Weaver Unfolding - the essence of Emotional Mastery
  • Healer Opening - the heart of Interpersonal Mastery
  • Starwalker Ascending - the realization of Spiritual Mastery

More details on this Mastery Badge may be added at any time.

3 Required Steps

  • Yin Step: Complete Weaver Unfolding
  • Yin Step: Complete Healer Opening
  • Yin Step: Complete Starwalker Ascending

First Triforce

0 Points

Earning this Yang Trine Mastery Badge signifies you have reached the level of "First Triforce" in the Guardian Alliance.

The Yang Trine (three triangles) or First Triforce shows skill development in the areas of physical refinement, mental focus, and communication, and signifies completion of the following Guardian Alliance courses in Ring One:

  • Warrior Activating - the foundation of Physical Mastery
  • Wizard Awakening - the geometry of Mental Mastery
  • Ambassador Initiating - the precision of Communicable Mastery

More details on this Mastery Badge may be added at any time.

3 Required Steps

  • Yang Step: Complete Warrior Activating
  • Yang Step: Complete Wizard Awakening
  • Yang Step: Complete Ambassador Connecting.

Yang Trine

First Triforce

Ring One Mastery Complete

Ring One Mastery: First Triune

0 Points

The Ring One Mastery Badge is earned by those who understand the basic interconnection between all Archetypes, and have explored the way that all pathways relate to their own personal development. One who has Achieved this Badge has completed six courses in Ring One, each of which reveal a fundamental aspect of consciousness and the relationship between the individual and the collective.

Earning this Ring One Mastery Badge signifies you have reached the level of "First Triune" in the Guardian Alliance, uniting the First Seed and First Triforce, the Yin and Yang aspects of yourself within.

The Yang Trine (three triangles) or First Triforce indicates skill development in the areas of physical refinement, mental focus, and communication. The Yin Trine (three circles) or First Seed indicates skill development in areas of emotional awareness, healing arts, intuition and meditation.

Earning this Mastery Badge signifies completion of the following Guardian Alliance courses in Ring One:

  • Warrior Activating - the foundation of Physical Mastery
  • Weaver Unfolding - the essence of Emotional Mastery
  • Wizard Awakening - the geometry of Mental Mastery
  • Healer Opening - the heart of Interpersonal Mastery
  • Ambassador Initiating - the precision of Communicable Mastery
  • Starwalker Ascending - the realization of Spiritual Mastery

More details on this Mastery Badge may be added at any time.

6 Required Steps

  • Mastery Step: Complete Warrior Activating
  • Mastery Step: Complete Weaver Unfolding
  • Mastery Step: Complete Wizard Awakening
  • Mastery Step: Complete Healer Opening
  • Mastery Step: Complete Ambassador Connecting
  • Mastery Step: Complete Starwalker Ascending

Rank: First Triune

Mastery Ring Two

R2 – Ambassador-Starwalker Harmonic Seal

0 Points

The Ring Two Ambassador-Starwalker Harmonic Seal is earned through completion of a the following Guardian Alliance course -

Spiritual Awakening: A Global Summit -

This course includes the following information and much more:

  • Keys to thriving in your life
  • Ways to attract your soul tribe
  • Daoist sexual practices
  • Working with spiritual teachers
  • Finding your path of service
  • Remembering who you are
  • Awakening your potential
  • 19 amazing teachers
  • ~20 hours of audio material

More details on this course may be added at any time.

1 Required Steps

  • Complete Spiritual Awakening: A Global Summit

R2 – Starwalker-Warrior Harmonic Seal

0 Trailmap

The Ring Two Starwalker-Warrior Harmonic Seal is earned through completion of the following Guardian Alliance course -

Past-Life Integration & the Art of Time Travel

This course includes the following information and more:

  • How to access past-life memories
  • How to assess what are actual memories versus archetypal memories
  • Address past-life karma and trauma patterns
  • Integrate skills from past-lives and time-travel to important events
  • Shape identity and purpose through understanding our trajectory through lives

More details on this course may be added at any time.

1 Required Steps

  • Completed Past-Life Integration Course

R2 – Warrior-Weaver Harmonic Seal

0 Trailmap

The Ring Two Warrior-Weaver Harmonic Seal is earned through completion of the following Guardian Alliance course -

Dance Djedi

This course includes the following information and more:

  • How to improve your technical movement prowess
  • How to increase body control and mind-body coordination
  • Concepts to inspire creativity & innovation in motion
  • Methods to enter into deeper flow states with your dance

More details on this course may be added at any time.

1 Required Steps

  • Complete Dance Djedi


R2 – Starwalker Core Seal

0 Points

The Ring Two Starwalker Core Capacities Seal is earned through completion of the following Guardian Alliance course -

Starwalker's Synthesis

This course includes the following information and more:

  • Disclosure of Starship Technologies
  • Introductions to different Galactic Species
  • Understanding Spirit, the Astral, & Dimensionality
  • Deep Dives into Galactic History
  • Ancient Cultures & Genetic Relationships with ETs
  • Contact Techniques & Protocols (LIVE)
  • Starwalkers as Galactic Ambassadors (LIVE)

More details on this course may be added at any time.

1 Required Steps

  • Complete Starwalker's Synthesis


R2 – Healer-Ambassador Harmonic Seal

0 Points

The Ring Two Healer-Ambassador Harmonic Seal is earned through completion of the following Guardian Alliance course:

Emotional Freedom Techniques: EFT Level 1

This course includes the following information and more:

  • Learning to manage intense emotions using EFT
  • Finding the Tapping Points & learning about Energy Meridians
  • Jump starting yourself with short Mini Taps
  • Releasing fear – getting your physical energy back
  • Practicing LOVING & accepting yourself
  • Healing physically & emotionally
  • Improving relationships by clearing ‘triggers’ & the past
  • Accomplishing your Purpose by releasing fears
  • Increasing finances by releasing ‘self-sabotage’
  • Cultivating inner peace you can FEEL

More details on this course may be added at any time.

1 Required Steps

  • Complete Emotional Freedom Techniques: EFT Level 1

R2 – Wizard-Healer Harmonic Seal

0 Points

The Ring Two Wizard-Healer Harmonic Seal is earned through completion of the following Guardian Alliance course -

Soul Mechanics - Repair Your Energy Body

This course includes the following information and more:

  • Locate the 7 Chakras in your body
  • Understand the basic functions, energies, and purpose of each chakra
  • Be able to diagnose whether each chakra is blocked, healthy, or blown open
  • Anchor in the fundamental attitudes of healthy power in each of your 7 chakras
  • Understand how to identify how your energy body may be functioning as it relates to different everyday activities
  • Understand the practical steps you need to take to strengthen or repair any one of your chakras
  • Understand how to use meditation to heal parts of the energy body

More details on this course may be added at any time.

1 Required Steps

  • Complete Soul Mechanics - Repair Your Energy Body

R2 – Weaver-Wizard Harmonic Seal

0 Points

The Ring Two Weaver-Wizard Harmonic Seal is earned through completion of the following Guardian Alliance course -

Ecstatic Awakening Meditation

This course includes the following information and more:

  • Kundalini activating immersive audio meditations featuring Entheo
  • Grounding Practices to stabilize your energy at higher levels
  • Energy correspondence studies for each Chakra and energy body layer
  • Additional meditations including breathwork and movement practices
  • Chakra healing techniques
  • Detailed explanations of energy awakening processes and challenges

More details on this course may be added at any time.

1 Required Steps

  • Complete Ecstatic Awakening Meditation

R2 – Healer Core Seal

0 Trailmap

The Ring Two Healer Core Capacities Seal is earned through completion of the following Guardian Alliance course -


This course includes the following information and more:

  • Foundational Alchemy
  • Historical & Cultural Context of Alchemical Info
  • Chinese Medical Herbalism
  • Jewish Cultivation Traditions & Practices
  • Physics Theories and Epigenetics of Alchemical Phases
  • Biologic application of Alchemical Phases & Philosophy

More details on this course may be added at any time.

1 Required Steps

  • Complete BioKhemia

R2 – Wizard Core Seal

0 Points

The Ring Two Wizard Core Capacities Seal is earned through completion of the following Guardian Alliance course -

Wizard's Wyrd

This course includes the following information and more:

  • Clearing old attachments in relationships
  • Setting and keeping healthy boundaries
  • Protecting yourself from collective spells
  • Establishing sacred spaces and sanctuaries
  • Applying sacred geometry for manifestation, money, and miracles
  • Developing sigils for a variety of purposes
  • Working with alchemy for creativity, better sex, health, and much more
  • Achieving balance and equilibrium within
  • Gaining the higher perspective on challenging situations
  • Entering the Astral Realm and bi-locating
  • Creating through Astral Architecture
  • Working with Faeries, Spirits, and other beings on the Astral Plane
  • Manifesting your dream house
  • Creating ways to receive more abundance
  • Clearing and cleaning your home
  • Using magical tools and charging objects

More details on this course may be added at any time.

1 Required Steps

  • Complete Wizard's Wyrd

R2 – Weaver Core Seal

0 Trailmap

The Ring Two Weaver Core Capacities Seal is earned through completion of the following Guardian Alliance course -

Divine Sex

This course includes the following information and more:

  • Foundational Alchemy
  • Historical & Cultural Context of Alchemical Info
  • Chinese Medical Herbalism
  • Jewish Cultivation Traditions & Practices
  • Physics Theories and Epigenetics of Alchemical Phases
  • Biologic application of Alchemical Phases & Philosophy

More details on this course may be added at any time.

1 Required Steps

  • Completed Divine Sex Course



Yin Sextile

Fractal Seed

0 Points

Earning this Yin Mastery Badge signifies you have reached the level of "Fractal Seed" in the Guardian Alliance.

The Fractal Seed indicates your experience in understanding harmonic growth, developing awareness of the many possible perspectives and interchangeable dynamics of life, and the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical wisdom that comes with that awareness.

It signifies completion of the Harmonic Growth series:

  • Warrior Primary integrating Weaver Secondary
  • Weaver Primary integrating Wizard Secondary
  • Wizard Primary integrating Healer Secondary
  • Healer Primary integrating Ambassador Secondary
  • Ambassador Primary integrating Starwalker Secondary
  • Starwalker Primary integrating Warrior Secondary

More details on this Mastery Badge may be added at any time.

6 Required Steps

  • Yin Step: Complete Ambassador Starwalker Harmonic
  • Yin Step: Complete Warrior Weaver Harmonic
  • Yin Step: Complete Weaver Wizard Harmonic
  • Yin Step: Complete Wizard Healer Harmonic
  • Yin Step: Complete Healer Ambassador Harmonic
  • Yin Step: Complete Starwalker Warrior Harmonic

Fractal Seed

Yang Sextile

Fractal Triforce

0 Points

Earning this Yang Mastery Badge signifies you have reached the level of "Fractal Triforce" in the Guardian Alliance.

The Fractal Triforce indicates your awareness of the Core strengths and abilities inherent in each of your Archetypes, and the level of practice of self-development and ability cultivation you have achieved.

It signifies completion of the Core Capacity series:

  • Warrior Core
  • Weaver Core
  • Wizard Core
  • Healer Core
  • Ambassador Core
  • Starwalker Core

More details on this Mastery Badge may be added at any time.

6 Required Steps

  • Yang Step: Complete Warrior Core
  • Yang Step: Complete Weaver Core
  • Yang Step: Complete Wizard Core
  • Yang Step: Complete Healer Core
  • Yang Step: Complete Ambassador Core
  • Yang Step: Complete Starwalker Core

Fractal Triforce

Ring Two Mastery Complete

Ring Two Mastery: Fractal Triune

0 Points

The Ring Two Mastery Badge is earned through development of Archetypal harmonic growth, learning the transitions of one aspect of our skills and being into another, as well as discerning more clearly what the fundamental Core gifts of each Archetype are. One who has Achieved this Badge has completed 12 courses in Mastery Ring Two, each of which explore a variety of skills, abilities, and perspectives.

Earning this Ring Two Mastery Badge signifies you have reached the level of "Fractal Triune" in the Guardian Alliance, uniting the Fractal Seed and the Fractal Triforce, the more highly developed and refined aspects of the Yin and Yang within you.

The Fractal Seed indicates your experience in understanding harmonic growth, developing awareness of the many possible perspectives and interchangeable dynamics of life, and the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical wisdom that comes with that awareness. The Fractal Triforce indicates your awareness of the Core strengths and abilities inherent in each of your Archetypes, and the level of practice of self-development and ability cultivation you have achieved.

More details on this Mastery Badge may be added at any time.


12 Required Steps

  • Mastery Step: Completed “R2 Ambassador Starwalker”
  • Mastery Step: Completed “R2 Starwalker Warrior”
  • Mastery Step: Completed “R2 Warrior Weaver”
  • Mastery Step: Completed “R2 Weaver Wizard”
  • Mastery Step: Completed “R2 Wizard Healer”
  • Mastery Step: Completed “R2 Healer Ambassador”
  • Mastery Step: Completed “R2 Warrior Core”
  • Mastery Step: Completed “R2 Weaver Core”
  • Mastery Step: Completed “R2 Wizard Core”
  • Mastery Step: Completed “R2 Healer Core”
  • Mastery Step: Completed “R2 Ambassador Core”
  • Mastery Step: Completed “R2 Starwalker Core”

Rank: Fractal Triune
