Ring One Mastery: First Triune

Ring One Mastery: First Triune
The Ring One Mastery Badge is earned by those who understand the basic interconnection between all Archetypes, and have explored the way that all pathways relate to their own personal development. One who has Achieved this Badge has completed six courses in Ring One, each of which reveal a fundamental aspect of consciousness and the relationship between the individual and the collective.
Earning this Ring One Mastery Badge signifies you have reached the level of “First Triune” in the Guardian Alliance, uniting the First Seed and First Triforce, the Yin and Yang aspects of yourself within.
The Yang Trine (three triangles) or First Triforce indicates skill development in the areas of physical refinement, mental focus, and communication. The Yin Trine (three circles) or First Seed indicates skill development in areas of emotional awareness, healing arts, intuition and meditation.
Earning this Mastery Badge signifies completion of the following Guardian Alliance courses in Ring One:
- Warrior Activating – the foundation of Physical Mastery
- Weaver Unfolding – the essence of Emotional Mastery
- Wizard Awakening – the geometry of Mental Mastery
- Healer Opening – the heart of Interpersonal Mastery
- Ambassador Initiating – the precision of Communicable Mastery
- Starwalker Ascending – the realization of Spiritual Mastery
More details on this Mastery Badge may be added at any time.
6 Required Steps
- Mastery Step: Complete Warrior Activating
- Mastery Step: Complete Weaver Unfolding
- Mastery Step: Complete Wizard Awakening
- Mastery Step: Complete Healer Opening
- Mastery Step: Complete Ambassador Connecting
- Mastery Step: Complete Starwalker Ascending