This is a free excerpt from the
Healer Opening course.
When life is challenging and we struggle with physical, emotional or mental difficulties Healers are those who feel a deep current of purpose to provide aid and assistance. Healers help to restore and strengthen each person they work with so that they might return to or reach their state of highest potential.
In Ancient times this practice was only passed down through a direct lineage, from Teacher to Disciple. This is a powerful standing meditation to fuse your energy with the inner power of Earth and Heaven, to cleanse the self, and create a sacred healing space from which to practice. David Beaudry learned this practice from Grand Master Jerry Alan Johnson during his medical qigong training.
The original practice is called:
“The 1-10 Meditation and 3 Invocations.”
The first invocation is to cleanse the ego. The second invocation is to cleanse the space and create a sanctuary to heal and practice. The third invocation is to overflow your physical, energetic, and spiritual bodies with Universal Energy, and the Presence of God (Infinite Eternal).
David Beaudry will guide you through the entire process, but know that it is your heart and sincerity that activates the true potential of this practice. So if you don’t resonate with the languaging of the 3 invocations, please make it your own by using words that have meaning to your heart and soul.
I use this practice before I do all healing work or meditation. I also utilize it if I feel the need to cleanse a space and/or cleanse my personal energy of outside disturbance.David Beaudry
If you commit to Practice this Meditation for at least 40 days you will fully feel your connection with the Divine in your body, more than ever before, and consistently. This standing meditation takes about 15-20 minutes, and after regular practice you will be able to do it in 1-2 minutes. If you are having trouble dropping into the meditation while standing, start with a seated practice. As you listen to the meditation allow your body to make any subtle movements or shifts that naturally arise. Be completely relaxed with a soft focus and know that you don’t have to DO anything.
Once you have listened to the meditation and can fully feel each code of activation in your body you can advance to further standing versions.
In this video David uses hand seals, which you will learn more about in Mastery Ring Two, an advanced series of courses in the Guardian Alliance. This can be a distraction in the beginning so for now simply allow your body to move naturally to fully feel each activation.
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Awakening the Healer: David’s Story
Use your Heart as your guide
It was a Tuesday night of my senior year of college football, the first day of full practice after I scored the game-winning touchdown the weekend before. I felt overly confident and proud that night, like I was special somehow for my athleticism. During a tackling drill I juked left, then spun right and in that moment felt my cleat stick into the thick grass on the side of the practice field. I heard a pop in my right knee and fell to the ground in agony. I was in agony not only because it was extremely painful (it was), but because the countless hours of hard work that I had spent to prepare for my senior year began flashing through my mind. The thought of this being the last time I ever played football broke my heart. It felt unfair. I was angry, bitter and sad and I fell into a dark depression. All of my dreams and visions crushed in a moment. I knew it was a bad injury, but little did I realize that my soul had written this story into existence just a couple weeks prior.
My favorite professor Fran Grace asked us to write a paper about our first spiritual experience, so I wrote about spirituality through football. At the end of my paper I said to God, “I am excited to see what my next passion in life will be once I am done playing football.” I even wrote a poem about my passion for God and Awakening and handed that in along with my paper.
Then the world that I knew crumbled. My injury brought me through a “dark night of the soul.” I asked for this and God responded faster than I expected. It wasn’t until years later that could see my knee injury as a blessing in disguise.
I had torn the ACL in my right knee and was given a “medical red shirt”, meaning I could return to play one more season the following year. In the midst of the tragedy and pain this felt like a ray of hope in the dark. I took my time to rehab, meditate, pray and regain my strength to become clear on my purpose before rushing back. My dream was to become a professional football player, and all of the logical signs were pointing to returning for another year. I asked for divine guidance and I prayed with all my heart. “Please give me a sign and let me know if football is still a part of my path or if it’s time to let it go.” Soon it became crystal clear: I had learned all the life lessons I could from football and it was time to move on.
I followed my heart and instead of playing my final year I took a leap into the unknown. I spent a semester abroad, studying psychology in Vienna, Austria. I was looking for my next spiritual awakening and I trusted that my heart would be able to see and recognize it. My eyes opened to the possibilities of a new life and my consciousness was expanded more than I could have ever imagined. I now look back on this challenging time with tremendous gratitude. I can see how each person and event in my life has played a crucial and pivotal role in my divine unfolding.

My path transformed from the way of the Warrior to the way of the Healer.
I have since been teaching, leading workshops and personally training people for the last ten years on the healing power of movement, breath, qigong, and nutrition.
If you are having trouble making a tough life choice, if you feel like life just dealt you a bad card, reframe it.
This is Your Challenge
Reconnect deeply to your soul and ask for guidance instead of being a victim and blaming life or someone else. Ask and you shall receive. It might not appear the way you think it will or should, but know that there are resources, people, teachers and loving guides waiting just on the other side to help you. All you have to do is ask and be ready to listen so you can take action when the signs come.In the Guardian Alliance, we created a space called the
Healer’s Temple, where healers from around the world gather together to share stories, insights, and healing experiences with each other. It’s open to all attendees of the
Healer Opening course.
Journal: Write your story
Take time to reflect on your life.
What has your path of healing been? What events stick out that made you who you are today? What blessings in disguise are ready to be fully awakened and integrated? Take time to free flow and write your heart out. If you are unsure of what your deepest gifts to give are, you will find it in your story. It is the thread of your direct experiences that gives you the transmissive power to share your gifts and hold space for others’ healing.
Accept all that you are now as enough and trust the teachers, masters, and courses will come in perfect timing as you align with your soul calling. You don’t become a healer, you merely become a more open vessel and container for which Spirit/God/Universal Energy to flow through.
Ready for more transformational Healing practices?
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