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Warrior Activating: Physical Mastery

Written by Security Sentinel on . Posted in Landing, Warrior

Do you feel in touch with your physical body? Do you have a strong work ethic? Are you a person with an abundance of energy to get moving and experience life? Are you aware of your financial needs and do what you need to do to ensure your security? Do you work out, physically training, as often as possible?

You may already be a great Warrior.

The Warrior archetype is centered around the essence of Physical Mastery. Over the ages, it has been those who have faced the greatest physical challenges (often through the threat of loss of life itself) that have developed and refined their physical skills, strength, dexterity, and movement capabilities. From the farmer who lost everything to a passing army and spent the rest of his life becoming a master martial artist, to tribes who were raided and retaliated, to the mercenaries lured into service in war by greedy rulers, physical challenges have shaped this archetype across the ages.

In the Guardian Alliance, Warrior courses provide principles and techniques which anchor us in our Physical body, bringing us more stability, stamina, and strength.

Developing our physical body allows us to be more resilient, withstand change, and face the world head on with trust in ourselves and our inner Power to make changes we want to see!

Our courses awaken this inner Power, the Human Energy Body’s expression of life-force, called Chi, Qi, or Prana, among many other names. This Life-Force Energy or Bioenergy is the secret behind all great Martial Arts, Yogic Practices, Healing, Tantra, and much more.

The Guardian Alliance Mastery Series covers applications in all these areas and more.

Want to learn more about the Warrior Path, and the Guardian Alliance?

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Or, are you ready to begin your Adventure as a Guardian?

Get an exclusive one time deal on the Warrior Activating course… Just get the Access Key below and gain instant access to tons of media, practices, and powerhouse Physical upgrades.

Regularly priced up to $77

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Live more healthy, move more efficiently, develop epic strength, dexterity, and more…


Ring One – Warrior Special


This Access Key unlocks the Warrior courses in Ring One.

The Warrior courses focus on development of Physical Mastery, and provide insights, practices, and techniques to achieve the physical skill and prowess necessary to complete your missions on Planet Earth.

Click here for instant access 

SKU: key-r1-warrior-special Category:


This Course Includes:

Focus Points

  • Secrets of energy behind all types of Martial Arts mastery.
  • A foundational exploration of Physical Mastery, vitality, and practical achievement.
  • Principles and techniques used by leading professional athletes and olympians.
  • Ways to overcome physical and mental hurdles and live with more strength and vitality.

 Complete Course Path

Preview of the Warrior Course Path

 Visual Preview

Preview of the Warrior Course



“Whoooooosh~It’s amazing how in 3 days of Warrior training my perceptions have shifted. The quality of commitment to this practice is grounding in many areas of my day to day life and is awakening an awareness of my body that feels so simple and yet profound!”


“It normally takes me about an hour, and several cups of coffee in the morning to wake up. This morning, instead of going straight for the coffee pot, I just did 10 warrior breaths. By the time I was done, I was fully awake and alert as if it were the middle of the day when my energy peaks. I’m very excited. If I can start every day like this, I think I’ll be more effective in all my daily activities.”


Wait! You can also upgrade to these bundles…

Save $$$ and unlock additional training!

These Access Keys include the course above, and also give you other courses in the series with a huge package discount! Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to upgrade at these special rates:

Security Sentinel

This is the Security Sentinel of the Guardian Alliance Academy. It will activate upon any breach of the Guardian Principles. Messaging the Sentinel directly will not result in a response.