If you sense that you have some role to play in this world, some gift to give that goes beyond your career and hobbies, read on… This is the first step towards activating your Djedi Archetype.
- Have you ever felt that your career path doesn’t fit your personal aspirations?
- Have you struggled to connect to an online community that participates with each other in-person?
- Have you played role-playing games to express your inner Wizard, Healer, Bard, or Warrior?
- Have you ever wished you could expand past social norms and utilize your highest creative potential?
We recognize the call to action within ourselves, when we yearn for change in our lives that exists outside of the given social structures we participate in. Becoming a Guardian is your chance to break free from the mold of the mundane, and put new skills to use in your life and community!
- We explore the 7 Djedi Archetypes as a source of structuring our Role-Play in this community learning system
- Our Archetypes also provide the chance to explore versions of ourselves, styles of learning, and applications of action
- Roleplaying archetypes exist as a balance of social intelligence and system intelligence, as we work to build skills, share knowledge, and develop personal fulfillment in a social setting.
These are the stories of Real Djedi
Watch this video to learn more about the story of one of the founders of the Guardian Alliance:
I get it. I’m in!
How do I join this Global Community of Djedi?
The first step is to identify one of your Core Archetypes!
Each of the Archetypes has a complete course developed around it to help you dive in to some of your innate skills and abilities. These courses are the result of over 10 years of personal practice by each of the authors, and months of writing, filming, and compiling our research into a simple and powerful format for exploration.
Each course will make your process of understanding and applying your gifts MUCH easier. It will save you countless hours of time researching, finding workshops, scouring books, or exploring mediocre online classes.
Discover some fundamental skills in various Archetypes, and explore the unique learning styles of roleplaying. Get in touch with your deepest purpose, so you can stop wasting time on jobs and projects that don’t align with who you are.
Click each Archetype for more information:
Warrior Archetype
The Warrior courses focus on development of physical mastery, and provides insights, practices, and techniques to achieve and maintain the discipline necessary to cultivate a balanced life starting with our basic foundations. The first course includes:
- Secrets of energy behind all types of Martial Arts mastery.
- A foundational exploration of Physical Mastery, vitality, and practical achievement.
- Principles and techniques used by leading professional athletes.
- Ways to overcome physical and mental hurdles and live with more strength and vitality.
I Want to Join this Course!
“Whoooooosh~It’s amazing how in 3 days of Warrior training my perceptions have shifted. The quality of commitment to this practice is grounding in many areas of my day to day life and is awakening an awareness of my body that feels so simple and yet profound!”
“It normally takes me about an hour, and several cups of coffee in the morning to wake up. This morning, instead of going straight for the coffee pot, I just did 10 warrior breaths. By the time I was done, I was fully awake and alert as if it were the middle of the day when my energy peaks. I’m very excited. If I can start every day like this, I think I’ll be more effective in all my daily activities.”
Weaver Archetype
Emotional mastery, social wisdom and sexual fluency are the three pillars of the Weaver archetype. This archetype focuses on building skills for personal and social growth and uses techniques to demonstrate what a healthy, balanced community structure can look and feel like.
- Social action projects, and community leadership.
- Cultivating inter and intra-personal skills.
- Exploration of the role of sexuality in society
- Healing generational trauma
I Want to Join this Course!
“…I am not even halfway through the R1 Weaver material yet, and already it has proven to be mind-blowing. The content that you’ve put together and the results/download over here on my end is BEYOND FANTASTIC. Thank you!! You are rocking it, and I appreciate your willingness to share of what you’ve learned with others, to help build them up. What you convey in speaking is immediately palpable, even kind of uncanny — I want to DO that!! — and I can’t wait to learn how to, to do that, and to build on it further as my own.”
“I just finished my Weaver healing, alchemical process. I like to call it this way because I feel rejuvenated after having a difficult time of allowing myself to detach from others opinions. Going through the experience of lying down on the street and sing out loud, helped me to claim more of myself, be more focus and grounded, fearless….So be itx3! Love & Gratitude.”
Wizard Archetype
The Wizard courses focus on development of mental discipline, and provide techniques that give us the opportunity to wield full mental capacity. This archetype teaches us how to master our own psychology, in congruence with understanding what often holds us back from perceiving the world objectively. As well as enhancing our wisdom in managing our worldviews alongside those of others.
- The power of the mind in creativity and logic
- Creating mental containers to work out life puzzles and priorities.
- Strategies for social interdependence and personal sovereignty.
- The fundamental elements of real Magic.
I Want to Join this Course!
“…Thank you for the Transcend and Include meditation. I really enjoyed the music and the overall experience, it was wonderful. I had the most amazing visions and feelings. I feel like I really know what I want to bring to this world and what I must do in order to get there. It’s getting clearer and clearer and it’s beautiful. I see the potential, I see the light, I feel the love. I know together we can do this. I love you and everyone. Thank you.”
“Loved the Wizard course materials, practices and meditations-they are so totally consistent with much of what I know and convey my awareness into the areas I didn’t know that I didn’t know! Thank you for leading Consciousness forward on this Planet.”
Healer Archetype
The Healer courses focus on development of interpersonal mastery, healing arts skills, and environmental sustainability stewardship. This archetype goes beyond what we think is possible and delivers us with practical insights and skills for maintaining our well being, and our responsibility to be Guardians of the Earth.
- At home remedies, DIY projects and skills
- Participate in Indigenous Systems of Environmental Stewardship
- Techniques for awakening powerful healing abilities.
- Tools and practices of the healer.
I Want to Join this Course!
“WOW, I absolutely loved the Dao Yin Stretches and breath exercises. I’ve been M.I.A for two weeks from Guardian Alliance and the last 3 days have been hectic. My body was hurting, my brain was feeling mushy, my energy levels were down…and then I did the exercises. I feel like a just drank a Red Bull. I heard my body crack as I was stretching…I SO needed this!! THANK YOU! Also, awesome ending to the Healer Module with the suggested routine and videos! GRATITUDE and LIGHT!”
“Hello Guardians! Greetings to you :). During the live healing session I did feel the light, energy and I had shivers in my whole body. And I want to thank you as it seems that you helped me to cure my dad. My dad eats scientifically proven micronutrients and they need at least one month so that there is a visible improvement in health. As a matter of fact he has taken them for about a month now but I think it’s not only that. OUR LIVE HEALING SESSION HAD A HUGE POWER !!!! I’m fully aware of that. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! <3 :).”
Ambassador Archetype

R1 Ambassador Badge Preview
The Ambassador courses focus on developing our communications skills, and empower the application of diplomacy. This archetype supports human comradery with all the skills we need to effectively use languages and leadership.
- Public speaking and leadership skills
- Insights into non-violent conflict resolution, and mediation.
- The power of sharing your personal message and truth.
- Techniques for enhancing your communication abilities.
I Want to Join this Course!
“As I write my story, I come up against some resistance when writing about certain areas of my life. As I free write, memories come up of painful times. It has been very healing to write through these memories and to revisit parts of my life i attempt to repress. Thank you for the challenge! It is reminding me that all of my experiences, both pleasurable and painful have summed up to make the person I am today. <3”

“I was listening to the guided meditation at the end of the Wizard course, and as I was pulling in and creating what I wanted in that space, I saw a book manifest itself into my hands. I looked at the beautiful cover, and realized it was my book. A book I had/will write about my personal journey from paranormal, abusive, suppressed childhood, to a self loving, healing, intuitive, star connected being. I could feel the weight of the book, the thin cover, the smell of the pages, and I felt peace, contentment and Joy.
“Later I decided to watch the Ambassador Opening Session (what can I say I was feeling it!) where Simon spoke about sharing and stories. And I saw the book again, could feel it in my hands and I felt so connected to the words, the journey and the process. I feel this course will be the one to really break open some of my fears of sharing, and communicating my truth. Up until now I have been one to keep my truth and my story hidden away. Even writing this I am plauged with small fears, spiking their way through my mind, but I am trusting myself and this space 🙂
“This is my first step in learning to share, thank you all for being part of it <3”
Starwalker Archetype

R1 Starwalker Badge Preview
The Starwalker courses focus on development of parapsychological mastery, meaning innate psychic abilities that we all have. This archetype utilizes wisdom from various spiritual traditions to unlock the mysterious abilities of human sensory perception.
- How to unlock your psychic abilities and aptitude.
- Practices and techniques to mastering higher sensory perception.
- Diverse cultural perspectives of cultivating spiritual practices
- Fundamental insights that lead to training in lucid dreaming, astral travel, and remote viewing.
I Want to Join this Course!
“First let me say how very much I am excited by and deeply enjoying this final course. I recognize my journey through each of the five former archetypes that have occurred in my earlier years– and happily realize Starwalker is where I live and explore now. It is so much fun and opportunity to be learning more here with everyone and integrating more of my experiences as a “sensitive”. And thank you for so clearly delineating the difference between channeling and mediumship. I resonate strongly with what you say about each, having had direct experience with both. Your cautions about channelling are helpful and important. Your focus on preparation, thorough education, and clear instructions will help all of us gain higher skill and broader knowledge in the Astral. Much Love and Appreciation from a Sister Sirian Starwalker.”
“Every paragraph is immense in quality of content, thank you. I’m working hard on my-self, And I feel lucky for that. I do have to do a lot healing first. I also sense that kind of karma, and I also know that it can be unwound. I’ll do this. I’m reading this out loud, like feeling you through your words addressing me with so good aim, feeling your senses through mine and feeling my truth, my-self and feeling you feeling me… this is love coming from the Source of All Love, from here I may continue.. I have to admit, I feel like a Djedi right now.”
The Crossroads of Roleplay
Each of the archetypes of the Guardian activate a specific aspect of ourselves. Why do we believe that roleplaying techniques are the leading edge in learning?
Role playing exercises encourage students to think more critically about complex and controversial subjects and to see situations from a different perspective. When properly employed, role plays can motivate students in a fun and engaging way. It is also the most effective way to have a social learning experience that maintains focus and explores various styles of learning at once.
In the Guardian Alliance, each of the archetypes have a Path. Each of the archetype Paths begin with Mastery Ring One, a series of six courses that provide the fundamental practices you can use to begin to Master each of the Djedi Archetypes inside you.
We have a whole series of courses coming to Mastery Ring Two, the Universal Library, gaming style courses, in-person mission meet-ups and beyond… This is only the beginning of your adventure.
Mastery Ring One
Six complete courses, each with introductory information, reflections on masters, revelations of our core personal challenges, and practical applications that you can immediately begin using in your life.
Each course will help you Master an aspect of your Self and your Life:
- Warrior Activating – the foundation of Physical Mastery
- Weaver Unfolding – the essence of Emotional Mastery
- Wizard Awakening – the geometry of Mental Mastery
- Healer Opening – the heart of Interpersonal Mastery
- Ambassador Connecting – the precision of Communicable Mastery
- Starwalker Ascending – the realization of Spiritual Mastery
I’m Ready for the Journey to Self-Mastery!
But wait… These are not just static Online Courses…
Not by a long shot. The Guardian Alliance is a global learning community, and when you get Access Keys to individual courses or the whole Mastery Ring, you also get access to the Arenas, areas for LIVE Sessions, discussions, resources, and more:
BONUS: Enter the Arenas
Each Arena showcases LIVE Sessions related to courses in each Archetype, has a AJAX commenting/chat area for ongoing discussion with other Guardians, video posting, image posting, and additional resources to aid in your exploration. Oh, and there will also be special QUESTS and MISSIONS to accomplish…
Arenas for Each Archetype
Preview of the Ambassador’s Hall
BONUS: Custom Community Profile
You also get a custom personal profile where you can upload you own header, avatar, and control all privacy settings for your account. You can see other members who have public profiles, and connect with them through messages, tags, posts, and more.
Complete Member Directory
BONUS: Earn Verified Badges
Earn verifiable Badges that will be sharable with the Mozilla Badge Backpack and backed by a series of organizations and other online Academies. We’re also working on physical versions of the Badges, so stay tuned for those updates!
Users who reach certain levels with their Badges will also become eligible for exclusive Guardian Alliance Gear from the Armory… And we’re not talking T-Shirts.
Earn Badges in the Trailmap
See Others Earn Badges & Track Progress
Your Course Dashboard under “My Courses” gives you easy access to all your unlocked adventures.
Are you Ready to Unlock Your Courses?
The Guardian Alliance is a rapidly growing global community of people dedicated to transforming the world, and becoming Real Djedi.
Each course is massively packed with skills, techniques, insights, and practices, and individually they are easily worth more than a full weekend-long intensive workshop. In fact, we have shared portions of this exact same content in retreats and workshops, charging $200 to over $1500 for a fraction of this material.
In addition, we’re providing UNLIMITED ACCESS to the material AND ALL LIVE SESSIONS related to these courses FOR LIFE. That means you can join a LIVE Session and learn more from us in a year, or in 10 years from now. We’ll be here to make sure you reach the Superhero goals you set out to achieve now.
So How Much Do These Courses Cost?
Based on our workshops and training intensives over the past 10 years, here are some of the rates our faculty has charged for similar courses:
Warrior Course Training with David Beaudry: Value $300
Weaver Course Training with Alexander Fairman: Value $220
Wizard Course Training with Adam Apollo: Value $144
Healer Course Training with David Beaudry: Value $200
Ambassador Course Training with Alex Fairman & Simon Sutton: Value $280
Starwalker Course Training with Adam Apollo: Value $260
Total Course Value: $1404
We’re not going to charge you $1404 for these courses, because we’re here to forge an Alliance together, and bring everyone on-board that we possibly can.
The regular price in the Gatehouse of the Guardian Alliance for all these courses is only $333. You can easily spend twice that much for half the transformational course content around the web today.
But right now, we’re offering these courses to you for only $33 each!
Or you can get access to the ENTIRE Mastery Ring One series for only $144 and take the leap into true Mastery and Guardianship!
That’s around 90% off the standard value of these courses, and over 50% the regular price.
However, you must act now because this special will not last long.
Click on any of the “Get Access Key” buttons below to checkout on our secure servers and immediately receive Access to courses, community, Profiles, Badges, and more.

Mastery Ring One
I’m Ready
[tminus t=”+1 day 12 minutes” omitweeks=”true”/]
Total Price
Today: $144
Ring One – Master Key Special
$333.00 $144.00
This Access Key unlocks all SIX courses in Ring One!
This Master Key will give you complete LIFETIME access to all courses and resources, first access to Ring Two courses with a variety of amazing teachers, and give you foundational skills and practices that are fundamental to Mastering your Self and your Life.
By allowing you to explore all the courses in Ring One, this Mastery Key will provide you with a deeper awareness of how each Path comes together, integrating each aspect of your Being to develop True Mastery.
This Course Includes:
Six complete courses, each with introductory information, reflections on masters, revelations of our core personal challenges, and practical applications that you can immediately begin using in your life.
Each course will help you Master an aspect of your Self and your Life:
- Warrior Activating – the foundation of Physical Mastery
- Weaver Unfolding – the essence of Emotional Mastery
- Wizard Awakening – the geometry of Mental Mastery
- Healer Opening – the heart of Interpersonal Mastery
- Ambassador Connecting – the precision of Communicable Mastery
- Starwalker Ascending – the realization of Spiritual Mastery
Visual Previews of each Course Entry (click to enlarge)
“Whoooooosh~It’s amazing how in 3 days of Warrior training my perceptions have shifted. The quality of commitment to this practice is grounding in many areas of my day to day life and is awakening an awareness of my body that feels so simple and yet profound!”
“It normally takes me about an hour, and several cups of coffee in the morning to wake up. This morning, instead of going straight for the coffee pot, I just did 10 warrior breaths. By the time I was done, I was fully awake and alert as if it were the middle of the day when my energy peaks. I’m very excited. If I can start every day like this, I think I’ll be more effective in all my daily activities.”
“…I am not even halfway through the R1 Weaver material yet, and already it has proven to be mind-blowing. The content that you’ve put together and the results/download over here on my end is BEYOND FANTASTIC. Thank you!! You are rocking it, and I appreciate your willingness to share of what you’ve learned with others, to help build them up. What you convey in speaking is immediately palpable, even kind of uncanny — I want to DO that!! — and I can’t wait to learn how to, to do that, and to build on it further as my own.”
“Loved the Wizard course materials, practices and meditations-they are so totally consistent with much of what I know and convey my awareness into the areas I didn’t know that I didn’t know! Thank you for leading Consciousness forward on this Planet.”
“WOW, I absolutely loved the Dao Yin Stretches and breath exercises. I’ve been M.I.A for two weeks from Guardian Alliance and the last 3 days have been hectic. My body was hurting, my brain was feeling mushy, my energy levels were down…and then I did the exercises. I feel like a just drank a Red Bull. I heard my body crack as I was stretching…I SO needed this!! THANK YOU! Also, awesome ending to the Healer Module with the suggested routine and videos! GRATITUDE and LIGHT!”

“I was listening to the guided meditation at the end of the Wizard course, and as I was pulling in and creating what I wanted in that space, I saw a book manifest itself into my hands. I looked at the beautiful cover, and realized it was my book. A book I had/will write about my personal journey from paranormal, abusive, suppressed childhood, to a self loving, healing, intuitive, star connected being. I could feel the weight of the book, the thin cover, the smell of the pages, and I felt peace, contentment and Joy.
“Later I decided to watch the Ambassador Opening Session (what can I say I was feeling it!) where Simon spoke about sharing and stories. And I saw the book again, could feel it in my hands and I felt so connected to the words, the journey and the process. I feel this course will be the one to really break open some of my fears of sharing, and communicating my truth. Up until now I have been one to keep my truth and my story hidden away. Even writing this I am plauged with small fears, spiking their way through my mind, but I am trusting myself and this space 🙂
“This is my first step in learning to share, thank you all for being part of it <3”
“Every paragraph is immense in quality of content, thank you. I’m working hard on my-self, And I feel lucky for that. I do have to do a lot healing first. I also sense that kind of karma, and I also know that it can be unwound. I’ll do this. I’m reading this out loud, like feeling you through your words addressing me with so good aim, feeling your senses through mine and feeling my truth, my-self and feeling you feeling me… this is love coming from the Source of All Love, from here I may continue.. I have to admit, I feel like a Djedi right now.”
Individual Course Details
The Warrior courses focus on development of Physical Mastery, and provide insights, practices, and techniques to achieve the physical skill and prowess necessary to complete your missions on Planet Earth.
- Secrets of energy behind all types of Martial Arts mastery.
- A foundational exploration of Physical Mastery, vitality, and practical achievement.
- Principles and techniques used by leading professional athletes and olympians.
- Ways to overcome physical and mental hurdles and live with more strength and vitality.
The Weaver courses focus on development of Emotional Mastery, and provide insights, practices, and techniques to deepen your energetic sensitivity and apply your awareness for internal cultivation, sex, and relationships.
- The keys to both alchemy and balance.
- Cultivating internal energy and vitality.
- Insights to enhance your sex life and intimacy.
- Secrets to engaging in relationships through understanding sexual orientation.
The Wizard courses focus on development of Mental Mastery, and provide insights, practices, and techniques to awaken your mind and apply it, as precisely as a sword master, to creating or changing whatever you want in the world.
- The power of the mind in creating reality.
- Secret formulas to create mental containers to work out life puzzles and priorities.
- Strategies for changing your patterns and your life through mental clearing.
- The fundamental elements of real Magic.
The Healer courses focus on development of Interpersonal Mastery, and provide insights, practices, and techniques to develop your healing abilities and create a more powerful state of coherence in yourself, which can be applied in all areas of your life.
- The heart and art of healing.
- The keys to accessing coherence in every relationship or interaction.
- Techniques for awakening powerful healing abilities.
- Tools and practices of the healer.
The Ambassador courses focus on development of Communicable Mastery, and provide insights, practices, and techniques to unlock your communications skills, and empower the application of your voice, and the quality of your listening, to bring out your inherent leadership.
- The true magic of the spoken word.
- Insights into conflict resolution, mediation, and leadership.
- The power of sharing your personal message and truth.
- Techniques for enhancing your communication abilities.
The Starwalker courses focus on development of Spiritual Mastery, and provide insights, practices, and techniques to awaken your innate abilities to perceive, interact, and travel between the realms, remote view, and create a protected psychic Sanctuary.
- How to unlock your third-eye and psychic abilities.
- Practices and techniques to mastering higher sensory perception.
- The secrets of the layers of the energy body.
- Fundamental insights that lead to training in lucid dreaming, astral travel, and remote viewing.
30 Day Guarantee
If you’re not completely satisfied with the courses within 30 days, you can contact us for a full-refund.
We guarantee that our courses contain some of the most empowering, transformative, and inspiring information you can find on the web.
If you disagree, let us know!
Who Gets Paid?
The Guardian Alliance runs as a completely transparent operation. Teachers and course producers instantly receive 70% of every course.
10% of all course sales goes directly to hosting and infrastructure costs.
The remaining 20% is used to grow our Alliance team and community.