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Choosing a Path

Written by Security Sentinel on . Posted in R0 - Introduction

After reading through all the archetypes, you probably felt a strong resonance with one or more of them. Your specific combination of gifts is complex, and it may have changed throughout your life. While it may be difficult to identify yourself with only one of these archetypes, you may find it easier to identify one or two primary archetypal energies you resonate with most at this time in your life, and also acknowledge your secondary, and tertiary affinities.

Remember that determining your primary archetypes is not about putting yourself in a box, but rather identifying where you have innate abilities and skills that will enable you to progress quickly, and it also provides a foundation for you to anchor in while integrating other skills and abilities that may be more challenging for you. To attain real Mastery, you must learn to incorporate them all.

To assist you in reflecting upon and identifying some of your core gifts and archetypes, we have a brief exercise for you. This practice will help you fully anchor your Sacred Purpose into your body and presence NOW.

After you complete the practice, you can view David Beaudry’s personal reflections on the experience:

Security Sentinel

This is the Security Sentinel of the Guardian Alliance Academy. It will activate upon any breach of the Guardian Principles. Messaging the Sentinel directly will not result in a response.