UPDATE: This workshop is almost sold out, so please register as soon as possible.
Please leave us a comment at the bottom of the page if you are interested in participating, have questions, or need assistance attending.
This 2 hour mix brings together my absolute favorite progressive and uplifting Trance tracks over the past couple years, and weaves them into a journey meant to open your Heart and inspire your Soul.
May these sounds penetrate your being with an infusion of Epic Lifeforce, propelling you forward in the creation and manifestation of your visions, dreams, and actions. May this moment transform your life, and the world.
Dedicated to the adventurers of the Guardian Alliance…
The Lucid Planet with Kelly Neff covers topics from the psychology of awakening, to mystery schools in hyperspace, to manifesting financial liberation. Some of her guests have included:
Prince EA
Graham Hancock
Rick Doblin (MAPS)
Andrew (Android) Jones
and many more…
In this week’s episode, she features Adam Apollo of the Guardian Alliance. They will be discussing the creation of a global culture of real-life “Jedi” Guardians. For those of you who are members of the Guardian Alliance, this show is about you!
In this episode of Awake And Empowered TV, Ethann Fox is joined by Adam Apollo. Adam and Ethann discuss the field of Transpersonal Psychology, and his exploration of past lives he’s collectively shared with others. Among these are his past lives in ancient times such as Atlantis from which he reveals an in depth look into Atlantean life. Adam relates his personal journey in other lifetimes that share common threads to modern day Science Fiction films such as Star Wars, and his belief that these films were inspired by unconscious remembrance on the part of the writers, of actual events that took place. Further discussions delve into the validy of “The Force” and experiments he’s done in this area, as well as his opinion about the controversy on the subject of whether the Earth is round or flat.
Here’s some useful time markers to get you started:
15:01 – Discovering the Force
21:01 – Why have we lost ancient energy technologies?
24:35 – What happened in ancient Egypt during the rise of Akenaten?
27:46 – Is the Flat Earth theory true?
35:43 – What is Transpersonal Psychology?
41:46 – Are science fiction films based on real events?
48:27 – Is it possible past-life memories are just influenced by movies?
51:18 – Was there an ancient global civilization, and what was Atlantis like?
53:00 – Details of the global renaissance during the last Ice Age.
54:07 – What happened to Atlantis?
56:30 – Adam Apollo’s past life verifications in Japan.
59:30 – What is the Island of High Brazil?
1:00:09 – Was Atlantis a physical place on Earth?
1:06:50 – Where was Atlantis?
1:10:20 – More details about Atlantis.
Check out this amazing video featuring James Gilliland of Mt. Adams, where he hosts contact experiences for tons of individuals at his ESETI Ranch. Disclosure is certainly on the way when a massive TV show like Today in Australia, with millions of viewers, covers this information with interest and candor.
Our partners at Unify, in collaboration with the Institute of Noetic Sciences, SuperFuture Labs, and Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) are soon releasing an App that allows you to see results of your intention on random numbers, at both a local and global scale.
Called “Entangled,” this application will be the first of it’s kind to surface this data at a global scale to the public.
It has been shown that our consciousness has an effect on random number generation at a significant level. In turn, this effect seems to work on any apparently random events, whether technological or environmental. This app may allow us to see this effect directly, on a local, regional, and global level.
Check out the trailer and leave us a comment:
Guardian Alliance faculty and founder Adam Apollo just released this music set, played live for the Asheville Full Moon Gathering during the midnight hour amidst blizzards outside. Just to get to the gathering, he had to hike over a mile in roaring winds across snow and ice. His first ride ended up sliding off the road into a ditch, awaiting AAA for a rescue. His second ride made it across the frozen landscape, and delivered him to the venue just in time to drop these beautiful beats.
Check it out here, see the tracklist and other details, or download it for free right now.
This interview of Secretary Hilliary Clinton, represents a breakthrough moment in American political history. Twenty-three years after her husband’s administration was engaged by Laurance Rockefeller to release all “UFO” documents in government files and grant amnesty to government witnesses (the Rockefeller Initiative), Secretary Clinton has finally spoken to the extraterrestrial presence issue while campaigning in New Hampshire.
When considering this reportage it is essential to remember she had the option to speak off the record. Here is a breakdown of and background on this interview.
Read the article here on The Conway Daily Sun
Souls of Society published a Podcast today featuring the stories of Adam Apollo, Guardian Alliance faculty and founder.
EP.5 Souls of Society, featuring Adam Apollo
The Podcast, hosted by Dijon at Souls of Society, explores some of Adam Apollo’s personal adventures, his research and explorations, as well as his projects and principles…
Dijon also shares some amazing stories and personal experiences. The Souls of Society article also includes some beautiful photography by Dijon at Souls of Society. The photos are of Adam Apollo’s final days in Marin County, California, before relocating to the Appalachian Mountains.
The Podcast is free and available here:
EP.5 Souls of Society, featuring Adam Apollo
As the release of the new Star Wars films approaches, Exopolitics interviewed Adam Apollo to cover his research into the true history behind George Lucas’s galactic epic.
Adam Apollo’s presentation has five parts; we recommend watching each part in it’s entirety, but encourage viewers to take breaks in between parts, or half-way through the interview. The last 1/3 of the interview is extremely important to understand the overall context of this project.
After a series of spontaneous encounters that led to the simultaneous recall of past historical and ancient undocumented events by multiple unrelated parties, Adam Apollo began actively pursuing a form of Transpersonal Psychology research to develop records and documentation. While many of these parties were initially unrelated, the events “remembered” by individuals were found to coincide in exact detail, describing similar environments, people, and shared experiences. As many of these individuals eventually met each other, it was discovered that the emotional and physiological memory from these past experiences was immediately stimulated, deepening recall of events and often bringing forth more information and memories.