Do you keep tabs on all the networks around you, working to interconnect them? Do you love to express yourself through writing, speaking, creating media or performing? Are you creatively gifted? Do you feel a calling to teach others or share information?
You may already be a great Ambassador.
The Ambassador archetype in each of us has the innate gift of communication. Ambassadors refine this capacity, learning to shape their lives through developing their ability to relate to others, and meet them wherever they are at. This ability expands, as Ambassadors increase their awareness of the archetypes around them, and the communication types that enable them to reach each individual or group of people. Eventually, the self-mastery of the Ambassador becomes Communicable Mastery, and they become capable of sharing all their personal growth and realizations with others.
Conflict resolution is one of the core tenants of Guardianship. Through developing the capacity to identify the root cause of conflicts, and then establish rapport between conflicting parties, a Guardian learns to arbitrate conflicts and restore a deeper understanding between those experiencing it.
The Art of creating rapport involves cultural awareness. As we come to understand the patterns of behavior in each culture, from linguistic styles to belief systems, we gain access to the motivations that drive people’s actions and behaviors. We then have the opportunity to engage them where they are at, accepting them without judgement, and communicate with them in a way that acknowledges a mutual understanding, and offers a clear reflection.
In the Guardian Alliance, Ambassador courses unlock your communication abilities through anchoring your cultural awareness in your personal truth, and accessing the power of the deepest gift inside you to tell your True Story. We all have a Message for the world. Is it time to communicate yours?
At each phase of our communicative growth, we expand our awareness of what it takes to reach people. We become more aware of the diversity of perspectives around the world, and realize that only some ideas are universally accepted. Communicative Mastery involves being able to access these universal connections between all living beings, and bring awareness of those connections into relationships to foster understanding, acceptance, and love.
You might want to create a movie, produce an album, write a book, develop a business plan, share your vision, teach, speak, perform, or communicate your ideas in any other way, but no matter your personal method of expression, the Ambassador courses will help you awaken Mastery in your messaging.
Forms of Communication, whether through sound, light, or feeling, are deeply intertwined with all dynamic relationships in the Human Energy Body’s expression of life-force, called Chi, Qi, or Prana (among many other names). This Life-Force Energy or Bioenergy is the secret behind all forms of Communication, Relationships and Healing, Ideas and Innovations, Social and Sexual Arts, Martial Arts, Yogic Practices, Tantra, and much more.
The Guardian Alliance Mastery Series covers applications in all these areas and more.
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Regularly priced up to $77
[tminus t=”+3 hours 33 minutes” omitweeks=”true”/]
Connect with the World through your Communication, and the World will Support You.
Ring One – Ambassador Special
$77.00 $33.00
This Access Key unlocks the Ambassador courses in Ring One.
The Ambassador courses focus on development of Communicable Mastery, and provide insights, practices, and techniques to unlock your communications skills, and empower the application of your voice, and the quality of your listening, to bring out your inherent leadership.
Click here for instant access ↴
This Course Includes:
Focus Points
- The true magic of the spoken word.
- Insights into conflict resolution, mediation, and leadership.
- The power of sharing your personal message and truth.
- Techniques for enhancing your communication abilities.
Complete Course Path
Visual Preview
“As I write my story, I come up against some resistance when writing about certain areas of my life. As I free write, memories come up of painful times. It has been very healing to write through these memories and to revisit parts of my life i attempt to repress. Thank you for the challenge! It is reminding me that all of my experiences, both pleasurable and painful have summed up to make the person I am today. <3”

“I was listening to the guided meditation at the end of the Wizard course, and as I was pulling in and creating what I wanted in that space, I saw a book manifest itself into my hands. I looked at the beautiful cover, and realized it was my book. A book I had/will write about my personal journey from paranormal, abusive, suppressed childhood, to a self loving, healing, intuitive, star connected being. I could feel the weight of the book, the thin cover, the smell of the pages, and I felt peace, contentment and Joy.
“Later I decided to watch the Ambassador Opening Session (what can I say I was feeling it!) where Simon spoke about sharing and stories. And I saw the book again, could feel it in my hands and I felt so connected to the words, the journey and the process. I feel this course will be the one to really break open some of my fears of sharing, and communicating my truth. Up until now I have been one to keep my truth and my story hidden away. Even writing this I am plauged with small fears, spiking their way through my mind, but I am trusting myself and this space 🙂
“This is my first step in learning to share, thank you all for being part of it <3”
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