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Video: Guardians Rise Up – Ep.2

Written by Security Sentinel on . Posted in Ambassador, Blog

In the last century, the mythos of the Superhero has come to the forefront of global mass awareness. It signifies a great shift in the collective human consciousness, as the incredible and innately-human ability to shape the very fabric of reality is becoming an everyday philosophy.

One of the most important realities that these archetypes convey is that we can – at any moment – tell a new story, and manifest new myths and visions of how we live and create in this world.

It is for this reason that Andrew decided long ago that he would follow the mythos created by the ever expanding multiverse of the super hero.

Now if you want to start to shift your own reality and train with Real Heroes and Jedi with the Guardian Alliance, then just follow Andrew with his exciting new vlog series How to Become a SuperHero.

Don’t forget to record your journey and if you feel like sharing… then post your video responses in the comments section below.

1. What is a Hero?
2. What is the Real Life Superhero Movement?

You are still here. You are still standing. And you are standing for a purpose.

Do you know what that purpose is? Get ready for this . . .

Your purpose is bound to a core element of your personality, which was laser-blasted into your heart before you even knew that you were arriving into this world – That is . . . Your gift. Your unlimited power. Your truth. And let me just tell you how much we are all in need of you to reveal that truth. To uncover it and share it with the world through unlimited power.Eric Lendermann

Are you ready to join an alliance of Real Heroes finding their deepest Gift, their Unlimited Power, their Truth?

Please join us in making a difference in this world.

‪#‎UniversalHeroes‬ ‪

#‎GuardianAlliance‬ ‪


Security Sentinel

This is the Security Sentinel of the Guardian Alliance Academy. It will activate upon any breach of the Guardian Principles. Messaging the Sentinel directly will not result in a response.
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