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The State of Obesity: Consult this interactive map to see how obesity has exploded over the last two decades.
Across the globe, general health has declined due to unhealthy eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle based on electronic media consumption, and the rise of chemicals and free radicals in our food and environment.
The United States spends more on healthcare than any other developed nation, and the costs only continue to rise. This spike in cost is a combination of factors, but can be primarily attributed to the rising cost of hospital care, advanced medical procedures, and prescription drugs. Yet despite how much is spent, the system is deeply flawed. In a 2013 Bloomberg ranking of nations with the most efficient healthcare systems, the United States ranks 46th among the 48 countries included in the study 3. Clearly the way we look at and treat health in America is deeply in need of a fresh look.
It is important to remember that health is not purely physical; health is a combination of our habitual thoughts, emotions, and physical actions that end manifesting in our physical health ultimately. The true source of health starts with how we feel, think, and act, on a daily basis. The statistics are showing us that deep down, modern societies have a psychology that is deeply unhealthy, and it is from this source that we continually make poor dietary, exercise, and lifestyle choices. In turn, this inner sickness manifests as the vast number of preventable conditions now arising in the population. Thus, we need a generation of healers and teachers who can show people how to attain happiness, health, and balance on a deep level. Only by addressing our health at this fundamental level can we transform health at a global scale.