The Four Key Mindsets for Social Success
People who have no reference experiences for success in a new area often have a hard time stepping into their confidence. There are entire industries that have sprung up simply around developing confidence, from personal coaching, to self help books, to beauty products, all intend to make an individual feel better about themselves. The ironic truth is, that confidence has very little to do with anything external.
The Root word of confidence is ‘to confide’. What does it mean to confide? To confide in someone is to be fully honest, open with, and trusting in. Confidence is your ability to confide in yourself and the world; it is an extension of trust that who and what you are is inherently good. Confidence actually springs out of a deep rapport you build with yourself.
Confidence is a state of mind in which you cease declaring your own unworthiness and begin accepting EXACTLY who and what you are-including your perceived limitations! Confidence begins the moment you become comfortable with everything you might potentially lack and still decide that you are ok.
- Business people who are confident are not afraid of failure, even though it may occur
- People seeking a lover are confident because they are not afraid of rejection
- People who are confident in their relationships are confident because they are not afraid of being hurt.
Confidence is a state of mind that grows out of radical self acceptance no matter what happens. So begin by being willing to take the view that you are fundamentally good. It is simply a state of mind that flows out of a simple truth:
I am comfortable with myself, regardless of what I might lack.
These four videos by Faculty member Alexander Fairman cover the Key Mindsets and Attitudes we need to develop this comfort, and confidence: