Initiation: LIVE Sessions
Open Q&A: Archived from Friday March 27th 2015
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Ring One Preregistration Sale
Closing Midnight March 27th!
Go to the Gatehouse
Early? Enjoy Some Music
Adam, I am SOOOOOO Thankful to be here right now Thank you so much. You and everyone here gives me so much hope! Sorry, I couldn’t be on the live session, but I just finished listening to it all now. I have checked out the resonance academy and it is super awesome. I have studied, watched videos, and read as much as I can about harmonic resonance frequencies in the last year. I know it is part of my full, actualized destiny purpose to discover everything I can in this realm. I have actually run across you and the resonance academy stuff quite a few times, and was about to register for courses when I actually saw you speaking on the cosmic giggle video and recognized you so strongly (cosmic family past-live recognition) that I started crying. It is so good to see you doing so well and you are such a brilliant jedi teacher and guardian and leader. I felt the same way when I saw Alex Fairman too. Wow. SO glad to be here! I looked up more of what you were talking about on that video and it led me straight here. I had no idea the… Read more »
Thank you so much for your incredible music mixes too. Listening to that alone can help you astral travel and lucid dream
Love it!
thanks so grateful
I am grateful to be alive, to be here, and proud to be there with you… God Bless
Many thanks
I am thankful and full of LOVE with you….blassings family in magic
Thank You !!!!!!!!!!!!
How do the scholarships work?
Adam talks about it @ 40.00 minutes into the video
Thanks Chris!
I’ll be sending out approval notices on Scholarships today for those who applied within the window. We will announce the next time we have Scholarship applications available.
It is an honor and blessing to have you come into my life at this time, just when I needed it most.
yea! smiling big with hopeful antici-pation!
Will there be any information about how to better receive and clarify the messages we get on our dreams? I am having many powerful images and feelings which I believe I could decode?
We will be covering some practices in that area in the Ring One Starwalker course. We also have an amazing Lucid Dreaming instructor coming in for Ring Two.
I’m signed up for one part of the course (Weaver, Healer, Starwalker)
What is the affiliate program about? And I think I ordered the yang trine course instead of the master key which (I understood for the same Price) included most ring one courses? Where would the appropriate place be to ask this question?
Hi Laura, it looks like you came in a bit late. I wish I had your questions earlier!
The Affiliate Program is offered to Ring One participants to support them in getting the word out to other people. If you are registered for Ring One, you were sent a link to the Affiliate Program. You can sign up, then you get links that you can use to post about our courses. When people use your links and sign up, you get 10% of that course sale.
If you bought the Yang Trine this week, I’ll give you a free upgrade to the Master Key since we just opened up a sale today to help more people get in who are having financial difficulties at this time.
Thanks so much Adam.
im signed up for ring one
Question – will be setting up peer support networks for folks moving through?
Yes, each Archetype Guild will be a support network for each other, and we may break into smaller groups as the curriculum grows.
Share and care
feeling the strength and the weight here in my heart. Our growth is towards the light all, we have faith
I am with you on that thank you …
This community is shaping up to be an amazing experience and I am so grateful to a part of it
that’s exactly what’s wrong with me; one day I am United with the whole, with all the energy, large projects and then I get completely empty … why
I’m no master but in my experience and search, there is nothing wrong with you…its just where you are at on your journey. You just aren’t stabilized yet (like most of us). It takes a lot of practice to stay centered in the present and connected to the universe energies without swaying to a realm where your mind is too much in the future (worrying/fear) or too much in the past (guilt/regret, etc.) There will be lots of teachings about this I’m sure which I’m very excited about but it takes the dedication of a warrior to put the effort forth to balance and center yourself more minutes of everyday…but the results are incredible, an incredible peace and freedom of the mind to really start being used for its full purpose, once you can control it
Graças Miranda
I find myself always bogged down by the every day struggle. Your first words where right on que.
The journey of self transformation is long and arduous. Companions on the trail, and tips from those who walk ahead on the path are invaluable. Deep gratitude to Adam and the team for putting together a community space for these deep inner processes to unfold, and for us to blossom as people who are capable of making the world a better place for everyone _/_
We have all been growing in so many ways.. I appreciate being here with all my being. Your initial comments have been exactly where Im sure we have all been. I have been wondering how we can digest the information we learn here to be put to many different types of people. Each person has their own path of learning.. The post-new age skeptic to the cynical scientific mind. Owning negativity for discernment seems to be their flavour. Although they both think they have it sussed. Remember me when I came here! So much growth… Its been difficult sharing the changes, in sensitivities, dreams, learnings. i suppose my question is in two.. The counselling support section i think will be important. Im sure its on its way? The outlet would be lovely from time to time when things crop up that are beyond our previous experience.. Also when we try to share information.. Are we transcending the overly positive and negative blindness that some groups have. Allowing compassion to allow us to fully understand situations? to allow us to digest this information for the benefit of all? As in, to the post new age skeptic to the overly narrowed scientific… Read more »
I get I repeated myself, those two groups have been the specific examples in my day to day recently
I am with you
Thank you for the examples.. from both sides isn’t it. the liberal and the conservative sometimes. New info breaking down systems, don’t we all know it.. the second question was about the counsellor support section.. when, how and what etc.. think it will be so much use to us all.. and thanks in advance! tertiary question.. if no one else has something first. And this is a little bit more out there.. for all the cynics still. Will we have a being identification section for star walker?
Yes, we will fully dive into the Galactic Library and different kinds of Beings. Planning on that for Ring Two…
Great stuff. Some are a little less forward with who they are but have definite looks to them..
Dear Adam, is that normal that no sub-menu is popping up under the “Gates” entry at this point? Will it be available when the RIng One starts in April? I precise that I have the key… Blessings
Thank you so much for your answer
Hello fellow travellers and greetings from Kingston , Ontario
Olá Everbody
that’s exactly what’s wrong with me; one day I am United with the whole, with all the energy, large projects and then I get completely empty … why
Hello from Albuquerque……
Hello all! Glad to be here with you.
Hello Boo !
Howdy back! Are you in for the full course or just a module or two?
Going Live in a minute… Refresh your browser window if you do not see the video window above now…
Hello eveyone
QUESTION : I’m highly intuitive person and I’m definately a starwalker. Sometimes I do astral travel but not during the meditation but after it at night. Well, If I meditate for about an hour or one hour and a half. Sometimes as soon as I only lay down in my bed and close my eyes I’m immidiately there – in the space, travelling. I have one problem – fear. I think it is a huge blockage for my father development. I used to feel a LOT OF FEAR WITH NO REASON when I was a little girl. I suppose I must have experienced something really bad and traumatic during my previous life(s) on Earth. Due to the fact that my third eye is very alive now I hear voices that call my name. Some are very nice, some are quite strange. Can you give me one piece of advice how to deal with those new “things” in my life and do not go crazy, please. Do you think you can help me to eliminate this feeling of fear to unknown new experiences and to free myself from this fear blockage ?
Nico, I couldnt write it better. What an amazing time and experience. I am so excited to see what we all will experience with the Guardian Alliance!
I am very excited to see this wonderful idea coming to fruition
It makes me so happy and gives me so much hope to see so many people so awake and aware and wanting to learn, grow, ascend, and help our planet and each other!!! I live at Avalon Organic Gardens and Ecovillage in Arizona. We are a group of 120+ awake and aware people consciously doing everything we can to live sustainably and help our planet through our outreach and activism. We have schools here about unified physics teachings and harmonic resonance and all the ways it can be discovered and used for healing ourselves and others, growing amazing food, becoming centered, balanced, and connected, etc. We are always looking to learn more all the time and have lots to teach too. It is very exciting to get connected to this beautiful network of beings of light and love. THANK YOU! See you lots more in the bright future to come I’m sure 
I love the Resonance Academy Delegate Program, and really love you guys already. Your intention for an integrated whole-system approach to education that supports the development of all aspects of human beings is awesome. Fantastic. Glad I found you. xx Seems I may have missed the first round of classes, will hang in for later! xx
Everything is archived here — fear not! check it out..catch up.. see you soon!
Yay, I am in! Glad to share in the evolution of collective awareness and other generally yummy vibes.
Q for David about the Pillar of Light: Do you suggest we always breath heavily through the mouth like you do and exhale doing specific sounds or we should only do that on key moments during certain part of the meditation? I have to admit doing the vibrating sound on exhales made me feel uncomfortable. I was afraid of waking up my roommates and look weird.
Q2: When you say vibrate it in your core or inhale in your core…what is that and where is it? The heart? The center of the chest, the navel?
Thank you guys for this beautiful and powerful pillar of light meditation. Special Thanks to David! It’s funny because I was already doing a meditation I invented that is fairly similar. It’s awesome to have it perfected now. I’m so grateful
♥ ♥ ♥
Nico… I bet you have invented/discovered/uncovered much more than you currently give yourself credit for
Has anyone been locked out of their accounts? It logged me out and now I cant log back in. Says invalid username or email when I try password reset.
So how many people have joined ring 1 so far?
Nassim Haramein and Adam Apollo are amazing, unified physics is the key of life
Or – WE are the key and they are reminders of the WE
Early Preregistration for Ring One Mastery Courses is now closed. Look for scholarship opportunities in mid-March, along with additional opportunities to get Access Keys. We also have additional Live sessions and more awesome free content coming!
Ring One Mastery Courses start in April. A full course calendar will be sent to all Ring One registered attendees.
Pisces Blessings, and see you soon!
QUESTION: can anything be done about the issue I experienced with the registration? Pls see comment below
Hi I am in the last cpl hrs before the sale ends for the free initiation but when filling out the log in info to register
it keeps saying that my account username is not valid . . . . I didnt get the option to merge/sign in with fb until I
went to jpin this discussion . . . .I am very called to this after having intense dreams and experiences that point to
me having something to do with activating a global shift into unity consciousness . . . . Im deep in the matrix
and need a lifeline that this free key offer looked to be
Hi Sphera, I responded to your Facebook message with instructions and options for registration. Thank you for your interest and support! Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.
Is this accredited education that I can apply to my GPA? I’m a current university student now.
Not currently. We are currently working on accreditation, but the process can be arduous and we may not be able to offer official University course credits until sometime in 2016.
Ring One Registration Closes at Midnight PST 2/28/2015.
Get your Access Keys for Ring One Mastery courses before Midnight tonight!
Just bought the whole package!! OOooOoOh YeeEaaAaH!! but the canadian dollar is so low right now
0,77 US so it was 185$ for me
Awesome Nico! Trust me, it will be worth it. I’ve spent hundreds (and even thousands) on a couple days here and there at a workshop, seminar, or expo that taught me far less than we’ll be sharing here. And, we’ll help you manifest a return on that investment…
but of course it will be well worth it
Right there with you.
who were your teachers??
Starting most recently and working backwards, these are just a few of my teachers: Doug Cohen (Global Org. Dev.), Eckhart Tolle (Author), Nassim Haramein (Physicist, friend), Arvol Looking Horse (Lakota, friend), General Grant (Cherokee, friend), Lee Smolin (Physics), Buckminster Fuller (Systems), Brent Neely (student of Cheng Man Ching, Tai Chi teacher), Dan Winter (Metaphysicist), Nikola Tesla (Physicist), Barbara Ann Brennan (NASA Astrophysicist & Healer), James Redfield (Author), J.R.R. Tolkien (Author), Pythagoras (Philosopher & Physicist), Charles Wu, Christopher Orellana, Merlin, Shaolin Masters… I could keep going but those are a few of my personal teachers, many of whom I have spent considerable time with or worked with, and who helped confirm my own revelations about Life and the world and supported me in deeper integration of my work with that of other great adventurers in time…
Still not sure the best venue for asking about timing, scheduling, and scholarships…..do I ask here?
This is fine Boo. Our current schedule plan for Ring One will be sent out by email tomorrow. A scholarship form will be opened in March for applications.
I’m interested in this scholarship too. I can not afford to pay for the courses that cost money.
Amazing Adam, Alex and David a great synergy and Resonance between everybody looking forward to diving right in
I really like your Curriculum content, and all the description led out on the Initiation video 2. I love and I working for a long time Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do as a Full certified instructor coming down from the lineage of the Sifu Lamar M Davis II from Alabama, a second generation Bruce Lee’s student, but at the same time I train my magic abilities such as Telekinesis, Psychokinesis, invisibility, Levitation, Bi- Location Teleportation etc, and I practice with Tai Chi Shamhala, as well as the Falun Dafa Gong, which is made up to train supernatural powers and abilities. I love what I see you can offer, believe that these lessons to be affordable to buy!
Awesome @panayiotisargyridis:disqus! You’ll feel right at home then, and great to know you’ve got some background experience to add insights to the different areas in each of the Archetype Gates where we’ll be discussing the practices and skills.
Q1: I was wondering where I should start. Do you suggest I start by improving my already stronger aspect (ambassador) or focus on my weakness (warrior and weaver)? I thought since it’s just ring 1 I could work on more than one at once. What do you think?
Q2: I don’t know how the program is laid out but I was curious on how you plan on teaching warrior abilities (or any other technical practices) via internet. Qi Gong for instance. How can one learn that in a virtual space? Isn’t it better to have a conventional teacher that is physically next to you?
Q3: Is there going to be any verification or test to determine if one is ready to move on to another or is it based on trust that one is able to determine that by himself?
Hey Nico, great questions as always.
Q1: Start with your strengths, then target your weaknesses from the expanded perspective that maximizing your strengths enables…
Q2: We will use video initially, with keys on how to self-check your posture, balance, breathing, etc. We will also make recommendations on types of training that you can find locally to supplement your online training here. Later we will have in person trainings around the world… But more on that later.
Q3: Some courses will contain quizzes, tests of comprehension and understanding. Others are open ended and simply encourage reflection.
Thanks for your reply Adam. Its greatly appreciated!
Thanks for everything you guys said tonight…
This has come to me at quite a ‘perfect timing’ kind of time. I really appreciate what you are doing.