LIVE: EFT Level 1 with Sonya Sophia
Written by Adam Apollo on . Posted in Blog, Healer, LIVE Sessions
Emotional Freedom Techniques: EFT Level 1
Opening Session
In this LIVE Session, the Guardian Alliance is honored to introduce Sonya Sophia, founder of the World Tapping Circle and the Sonya Sophia School of Living Arts. Today we will introduce her introductory course on Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and discuss the power of EFT, and Sonya’s work around the world.
Her 3.5 hour online course helps you understand the science behind how Tapping works in your body. It’s a bite-sized, interactive course, which includes healthy doses of Tapping time with Sonya, who has 28 years experience in the Healing Arts & 11 years of experience teaching EFT.
Get your Access Key now and join the adventure!
Sonya Sophia
Sonya Sophia is the founder of The Sophia School of Living Arts: an online Healing Arts School, which producesThe World Tapping Circle: a weekly, interactive, online EFT broadcast and video library.
Adam Apollo
Founder and faculty of the Guardian Alliance, Adam Apollo leads course production, systems architecture, and administration of the Academy.
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♥ Manage intense emotions
♥ Learn about Energy Meridians
♥ Jump start yourself
♥ Release fear
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Tapping is great watched this video & did the tapping helped me in a lot of ways, especially healing my head injury. Thanks for sharing. I will work towards doing this course!
What fun to be with you all!
I came late so I ‘ll need to watch that again from the start.
Today is my first day in the Guardian Alliance…so glad I joined! Thanks Adam for creating this platform..I’m pumped to start my Guardian journey into the wisdom arts, to fuller activation
I’m so happy for you Mateo, and for what this will bring to the world as a result.
Welcome ^.^
Ah, Thank you Sonya. Even the simple acknowledgement and acceptance of feelings such as frustration, embarrassment and inadequacy, helped a lot. The statement bringing awareness to how for some reason I think I need to experience this, or that I am somehow helping myself by holding on to these feelings, was enlightening. Glad to know that is there, and that I can let it go.
I look forward to more Tapping time with you Ka <3
This actually reminded me of some emdr sessions I’ve had in the past.
yes its very simular
I feel very good ^.^ very calm. I’m from the Netherlands
I’m glad it helped you Takia
let’s do more!
An old issue from childhood that continues in relationship.. I experienced tears and burps discharging energy while I acknowledged what was under it. Now I’ll notice when the issue comes up and be more patient w myself as I keep alleviating
so good!
Thanks, Sonya! Thanks, Adam! Sending love from the Sierras in California. Even after a 5 minute session I feel more shiny. As I moved through the emotions of feeling frustrated, stuck, and afraid, I realize some core familial programs and am looking forward to being with the roots of these feelings more <3
I’m so happy to hear this! <3
Hi from france
Just arrived
Fido s gone
audio here, video of sonya?
Hi,.. I’m new .. From San Francisco Ca (South Bay Area)
welcome Anabella <3
Hi from Texas, I really enjoy hearing this conversation around healing lineage, passed-on information that we inherited from past generations. I’ve been Tapping for a year and am so glad this course is here for us!
Welcome everyone! Please write us a comment and let us know where you are from! We’ll be starting in just a minute, so if you don’t see the video window above, please refresh your page!