Circle Up!
We invite you to join the World Tapping Circle, partners of the Guardian Alliance, in exploring deep and profound healing through the power of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), or Tapping!
Activate your ❤️ FREE MONTH ❤️of Tapping!
(HINT: This is the moment you opt-in for the
L O V E S T R E A M)
The World Tapping Circle
The World Tapping Circle is a weekly, online 90 minute EFT Tapping experience, which empowers you to T H R I V E !
- Heal pain – emotionally & physically
- Delete negative thoughts & escape old habits
- Improve relationships by clearing ‘triggers’
- Increase financial gains by releasing ‘self-sabotage’
- Command your purpose & take action
- Enjoy better health & stability
- Feel love & acceptance
How It Works…
- Log on via computer or smart phone
- Use EFT on any issues, fears or thoughts
- You’ll have privacy & feel supported in a caring, inspiring, online community
- Tap along in the Video Library anytime, there’s 100s of hours of expert EFT support, including tutorials & energizing Mini Taps.

Q: What can you do with solid emotional support?
You came here to give the world your LOVE and gifts, right? So don’t let your past, your fears, or your emotional blocks sabotage you! This EFT Course is coming to an end… but your Tapping Time is just beginning!
❤️ Sign up here and we’ll email you your log in details. ❤️
Note: If you’ve already done your Free Month – become a World Tapping Circle Member & let’s ROCK it to the next level.
Note: No credit card needed for Free Month Membership!
❤️ I’m so sure that you will feel major shifts after Tapping with us for a month – that it’s it’s very likely you will want to keep tapping with us by becoming a full Member. ❤️
You can expect to receive…
- Quick, effective and natural stress relief
- More love & acceptance for yourself & others
- A life skill for relationships & parenting
- Self Healing – streaming 24/7
- Inner peace you can actually feel
World Tapping Circle – Members Report:
“It’s super affordable, quick & it works! Every time I attend the World Tapping Circle I always feel better. Regardless of whatever I’m working on, it works! It’s a really powerful & consistent resource which is available from the safety of your own home.” Jef, M. CA.
“The World Tapping Circle keeps me alive & well in a very stressful job environment” Pia, CA.
“It’s wonderful to experience how quick and safe it’s able to clear stuff! The session always ‘fits’ my life.” Marieke L. Holland
“It helps me stay connected to this wider community of people who are so keen on processing their life experience & courageously & joyously moving forwards.” Jade, TX.
“This gift couldn’t have come at a better time for me. Lots of changes and the start of making better choices for myself.” Ben S. CA.