On this page, we welcome you to share your experiences with the Guardian Alliance courses. In your response, please include the course you are writing about at the beginning. For example:
R1 Warrior – My experience with the Warrior Activating course was…
Mastery Ring One – Through this course series, I’ve noticed these changes in my life…
Here are some questions to reflect upon that may help you in writing your feedback:
- How have these courses helped change the quality of your daily life?
- Which course/practices were your favorite?
- What challenges have these programs helped you overcome?
Hello from Miami
but now I m looking for my true path and purpose on Earth retail isn’t and thanks to you, to your teachings and meditations techniques an old dream of mine from my childhood came back to my mind that I had forgotten, it came like a blink. I will need to keep on studying to materialize this idea and I will get it! Thank you Apollo!
I have met Adam Apollo on CITD 2019 this was in my opinion the reason why my life brought me over there! Thank you Apollo, you are indeed a brilliant Light Worker, I just got out of the corporation retailers working for 30 years, I got all that long
Hi from France, I have finished the 6 archetypes. I echo what Corry is saying about Everyone should know about this content as the content feels right. It resonates. Being a certified coach and a professional trainer, I have tried many psychometric test such as MBTI, PI, DISC that tried to categoryze us into boxes. And to be fair all of them make valid discoveries and help understanding the way we act under normal and stressed conditions. However they lack an essential aspect of our self. The Energetic body and its interrelation with our thoughts, emotions and believe systems. The content of the GA helped me identify many new dimensions of myself, the archetypes. Each archetype seemed to resonate with a part of my higher self. Some of them were calling me for actions, like the Warrior; as I did forget to take care of my body for much too long. These archetypes seem highly inter-related like fractal patterns of different density; all of them are important. The Ambassador forces me to start communicating much more using Facebook (which I was avoiding like mad before). Some of them seemed more familiar than others for sure, but all are vital to… Read more »
Hello from Ireland I just completed all 6 courses. The content here on this educational system is phenomenal If everyone in this world was taught these skills since childhood the world would be a different place. Adam great work is being done congratulations on making it happen and building towards the future of the planet. The Ambassador and Weaver Courses I felt helped me the most in my life, while I have to much to say and share with people, nobody likes a preacher. Now I am feeling much more confident and speaking more patiently and articulately. I am an extremely empathic person, so thank you Alex for helping me with this, now being able to decipher between other peoples energy and telepathy is key to my evolution as a Jedi, Adam, the Jedi Training in Bali, led a skill evolution in the Healer, Warrior, Wizard, Star Walker archetypes but those progressions need to be refreshed and there is a lot you miss also. So well done, you Alex and David are doing it and I see the vision coming into reality and i will be doing my utmost over here in Ireland to Inspire people accordingly. What I am… Read more »
Thanks Corry for putting into words the great value of this Guardian Alliance to help rise the vibration globbaly and train effective guardians that are so needed to help the world in this massive wave of awakeing! I listened most of the live session, did the delicate and centering Initiation Course, and now living the dream to take the first R1 course, the Ambassador ! How did you manage i this last year to bring some of the information and your personal experience in the Academy into your daily life there in the beautiful and magic Ireland ??
the Guardian Alliance academy has put together some of the greatest healers and planetary transformers into an elite group of teachers, bringing together all of their knowledge and research and making it dramatically practical and it is changing everything!
Thank you so much for your feedback and contributions!