LIVE: Repair Your Energy Body – Launch
Written by Adam Apollo on . Posted in Blog, LIVE Sessions, Wizard
Soul Mechanics
Mastery Ring Two Harmonic Series
Alexander Fairman is back, and this time it’s personal. In this LIVE Session, he will introduce his new course: Soul Mechanics – Repair Your Energy Body
Soul Mechanics is an advanced course diving deep into the reality of the chakras and how their health is creating your life experience. This is a highly practical course for individuals ready to take immediate action to heal their wounded energy centers through practical steps and clear intentions.
This course will give you the knowledge you need to fully see where your energy body needs repairs by giving insights into how people act when each chakra is open or closed. Do you have a hard time setting firm boundaries with others? You likely have not yet healed your Root Chakra. Are you constantly overthinking and overplanning? It’s likely that your Solar Plexus Chakra is blown open and you need to do some work.
Join Alex Fairman and Adam Apollo on a journey of healing and empowerment as you strengthen the love of your inner healer and the knowledge of your inner wizard. Over 6 Hours of HD Video Making it one of the biggest Guardian Alliance courses to date packed full of powerful insights and actions steps you can take now to start firing on all cylinders.
This course launches on Thursday August 25th during the LIVE Session at noon PDT!
Sign up for the course early and join the adventure!
Get your Soul Mechanics Access Key
Opening August 25th
LIVE Session: Thursday August 25th 2016
Starts at 12:00pm PDT, 3:00pm EDT
7:00pm UTC, 8:00pm BST
Aug. 26th 4:00am JST, 5:00am AEST
Alexander Fairman
Founder of the SPEAR Training Program, Alex Fairman is also a Faculty Member in the Guardian Alliance Academy. His Weaver & Ambassador courses in Mastery Ring One form an essential part of the Guardian Curriculum.
Adam Apollo
Founder and faculty of the Guardian Alliance, Adam Apollo leads course production, systems architecture, and administration of the Academy. He is the author of the Wizard and Starwalker courses in Mastery Ring One.
Join the Course!
♥ Map Your Energy Body
♥ Diagnose Your Chakras
♥ Heal Yourself and Others
♥ Master Your Energy
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to Mastery Ring One
(all six courses)
Enjoy Some Music

I want to ask you something that cought me:
Quantum fiscics, advaita, ACIM, and other non dualistic knowledge handle a radical idea that the world doesn´t exist at all, the core idea of those systems are that the way to experience what we really are is being in the knowledge that we are not here, but in eternal bliss and all what we need to do is undo the guilt and fear to get back to the experience of wholeness. As a dream we are creating all what we experience and as a dream when we wake up it will desapear with no track, they handle that as forgivness.
how can we conciliate that with the improve of the world ? I hope you can help me to understand I feel very sad when my mind put that as an escuse for not going beyond as you are doing.
Thank you
Hey Samuel, First of all, Quantum Physics is far from non-dualistic, but I understand what you’re trying to say in regards to teachings like Advaita and ACIM. Perhaps what you are sharing is the opinion of these spiritual traditions, but I feel that the one point that is off in your assessment is the idea that we are “not here” or that the world “doesn’t exist at all.” Even in our wholeness, we are experiencing the whole as a holographic instance, capable of consciousness of all that is, yet also experiencing spacetime through an individual lens, complete with senses and a body vehicle. Even without our bodies, our spiritual vehicles individuate us. In this awareness, we recognize that our work with the world is a gift, bringing our particular flavor of wholeness and awareness to the transformations going on across all Planes, including the physical. It is important to recognize that some spiritual information out there is also bogus and mistranslated. Some of the framing keeps us from active engagement at all levels of our being. It is important to transcend these limitations, whether imposed by Religion, Society, or Culture, and recognize our innate infinite nature and individualized power and… Read more »
Hey Adam, For any reason I felt as if you know me and so me, great to see you again around II understand when you refer to “experiencing the whole as a holographic instance” I was able to have an experience very strong some months ago, being one with all, it was crazy, I was everything and at the same time still feeling myself, there was a tremendous consciousness I was with a completely high intelligence all questions were answered, it was the greatest trip ever taken. That´s conflict me with the idea that is handled not only in Advaita or ACIM, but in Ra material or insiders channeling things, where they state there is “the one” (God) or creator (last dimension),what I can not understand ever is WHY, why we are here, which is the sense of going through dimensions, evolving, to have created this world that is constantly falling apart, I know that in some point it is that “The Wholeness” should experience Himself, but why as this? with such suffering, such madness and pain?, is not other way to make that experience happens, but the worst? I don´t know Adam all these questions come to my mind,… Read more »
I can give you an answer, yet there is always an Eternal Mystery in what you are inquiring about….
Why? Perhaps we choose to experience pain and separation in order to experience the bliss of reunion.
Why has the Divine divided itself in the first place? Perhaps to fall in love with Itself.
Why do we incarnate, when we could stay in the lightness of Heaven? Perhaps to experience more deeply, feel more fully, journey through all the sensations of being embodied, and the eventual bliss of returning to our Spiritual home.
There are a thousand answers, and a thousand questions behind the “Why” you propose.
Consider that you judge these experiences to be the “worst way,” and yet perhaps this level of gritty realism is actually the “best way” to allow us to both know ourselves as individual essences and find our way to the awareness of our Infinite nature…
Hope we can be able to see that Mystery in all His expression and laugh with such joyfulness that we get tired of Being. I understand we are warriors in this world, ¨let´s honor what is important to honor¨, we have so little time in this world that the only thing I fear the most is not having time to experience all what we are.
Hope to see you soon anywhere, I will be here learning more truth, you know each time I understand something is like if I experience a glimpse of the heaven (I know I´m becoming crazy) but is very powerful to be with people who defend the honor of others and not only with those who believe they are succeeding depriving others.
I Thank you a lot Adam for sharing all this and doing all you are doing to ¨find our way to the awareness of our Infinite nature¨
Muchas Gracias hermano, te veo pronto.
Sorry we missed it! Checking out the replay now.
Thanks everyone! That was fun… See you in the course!
Would you address your decision to assign Dark Blue to the Third Eye vs more traditional color associations of Purple/Indigo?
I’m curious about this one as well. Please share Alex!
Awesome! Thanks for the book recommendation
You are welcome!
That’s all so great and wonderful, Brothers
Much Love <3
Brilliant, guys! I’m glad to be fully back on tracks!
What about the Rainbow Bridge, this 7 Chakras mystical path to the starwalker’s realms, related to the seven point Merkabah or Vajrayana, as the multidimensional divine vehicle enabling us to travel throughout the Universe without physically moving? Connecting to extra-terrestrial/interdimensional entities?
Hi Adam and Alex! I’ve just joined the call now from London.I hadn’t logged on to Guardian Alliance for a while, but felt a strong
urge to check in today and saw this new offering which is a nice
synchronicity as the past two weeks I have been reading ‘Wheels of
Life’ by Anodea Judith,the first time I’ve considered the
chakras properly. It’s all so powerful, eye opening, informative, transforming. I’m excited about this new course! You’re talking about ‘feeling the vibe’ and even from across all this distance both of your vibes are so pure, loving and fun. Thank you both so much for all that you are doing, you are both quite amazing wonder beings! I joined The Guardian Alliance a few months ago and I feel very blessed to be part of it. From the small amount I have been able to explore I am so, so excited about everything I am learning with you and so grateful for your presence in my life. I haven’t had time yet to truly delve in properly yet but I just quit my job so looks like I’ll have a lot more time to study properly soon!
I’m also curious about grounding through different chakras then the root. Specifically, most commonly I see people grounding through their hearts, but I can see a meta theoretical application where any could be used for that purpose to different effect… Thoughts?
Amazing! Thank You!
Can either of you share something about healing chakras and the similarity to shark’s teeth in that concept? I work with a local shaman who does drum sound healing and sees the process as moving out old/broken chakras out of the personal field with a replacement version at a slightly higher vibration. Do either of you have experience with this in your own work?
Excellent, thank you Alex and Adam!
I agree with you guys totally. When I learned chakra meditations and how to conciously open them, that is when massive amounts of things started changing in my life. They are portals that open your consciousness more and connect you to others and the world around you and the cosmos more
I feel very blessed to have this as a tool and have the understanding I do with this too!
Great to See you!
Yay! One of my favorite subjects!!! And totally 2 of my favorite people on this planet
We’re about to start. Refresh this page if you don’t see the video window above!
Having trouble with access. Paid for key, not being recognized. Help?
Should be all squared away now!
Let’s launch this! Stoked about this EPIC course Alex has created!
ola amigos gosotoso demais de vos ter como ao abrir o meu computadores e ver a positividade que eu escolhi para viver aqui vui comigo no meu cantilho de amor internet .Uma coisa que sinto e da lingua portuguesa. translated.hello friends good to have you on my computer when i wkae up and i look at my email and i just see positive energy made by me and my soul is in the good track Forca,be strongmade your power, is what we need.
Stoked for this release – it’s been a labor of love!