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Starwalker’s Synthesis Mastery Ring Two Course Launches!

Written by Adam Apollo on . Posted in Blog, LIVE Sessions, Starwalker

We are excited to announce registration is now open for our new Mastery Ring Two course, Starwalker’s Synthesis, which is part of the Core Capacities Series of courses in the Guardian Alliance.

This course provides a comprehensive exploration of our connection with extraterrestrial species, interstellar cultures, future technologies, and our potential pathway to becoming part of a Galactic community. With 10+ hours of material in both recorded presentations and LIVE sessions, this is a deep dive into information and experiences that can transform your worldview forever.

Watch the FREE Course Launch session:

Register for the course below…

Adam Apollo

CEO of Superluminal Systems and Founder of the Guardian Alliance.
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How do I sign up?


I would love to sign up, but I seem to be too technologically handicapped.
Where below can I register?


Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter from Peace Mode Arena and Enlightenment Consciousness by Anastatian Elizabeth Romani

Nico Indigo
Nico Indigo

Sounds exciting!